NATO Education and Training Network (NETN) Automatic Identification System (AIS) Module
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Add AIS initialisation patterns to documentation #33

Closed bergtwvd closed 7 months ago

bergtwvd commented 10 months ago

Add information in the documentation about the initialisation of the entity marking and callsign.

Patterns for initialisation

The initialisation of the the Physical entity Marking and Callsign attributes for AIS simulation is use case dependent. In some use cases these attributes need to be set to specific values, in other use cases a specific value is not relevant.

This section describes a few patterns for the initialisation of the Physical entity Marking and Callsign attributes.

Use AIS NETN-ORG extension

If the AIS NETN-ORG extension is used then the entity initialisation may be as follows:

NETN ENTITY property initialized from
entity.Marking NETN-ORG Equipment.Name
entity.Callsign NETN-ORG AIS_Equipment.Callsign

Use NETN-ORG, but not the AIS NETN-ORG extension

If there is no AIS organisational information available, then the NETN-ORG Equipment.Name may be used as AIS CallSign value to initialise the callsign from. The marking attribute is provided a value by the entity owner.

NETN ENTITY property initialized with
entity.Marking marking value provided by the entity owner
entity.Callsign NETN-ORG Equipment.Name, an AIS Callsign value

No NETN-ORG initialization data available

Alternatively, if no NETN-ORG initialization data is used or available, then the entity owner should set the entity marking to the AIS MMSI value and the entity callsign to the AIS Callsign value:

NETN ENTITY property initialized with
entity.Marking AIS MMSI value provided by the entity owner
entity.Callsign (1) AIS Callsign value provided by the entity owner, or (2) not provided

In this pattern other applications are able to lookup additional information based on the MMSI value. Also RPR-FOM based federates are able to provide the AIS MMSI value to consumers.