NATO Education and Training Network (NETN) Entity Tasking and Reporting (ETR) Module
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Clarify semantics of CapabilitiesSupported #22

Closed lofstrandbjorn closed 4 years ago

lofstrandbjorn commented 4 years ago

In the returned list of names of interaction classes for ETR tasks

  1. Does this include ETR_SimCon and ETR_TaskManagement classes (I think it should)?!
  2. Are the names fully qualified names such as "HLAinteractionClassRoot.ETR_Root.ETR_Task.*" or simply "MoveToLocation", "MagicMove" etc. ??
bergtwvd commented 4 years ago

For item 1: ETR_SimCon and ETR_TaskManagement are required. The ETR description states: The sender SHALL support all ETR TaskManagement and ETR SimCon classes. These are not included in the CapabilitiesSupported.

bergtwvd commented 4 years ago

For item 2: the names are base names and not FQ names. The interaction names must therefore be (and are) unique in the NETN-ETR.

lofstrandbjorn commented 4 years ago

Semantics clarified as:

Provides the set of ETR_Task, ETR_SimCon and ETR_Report interactions that the federate modelling the entity supports. This interaction is in response to a QueryCapabilitiesSupported, using the same Taskee and Tasker. The names returned is the base interaction class name and not fully qualified.