Network Balancing Act: A High-performance packet processing framework for heterogeneous processors
MIT License
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General improvements for Click compatibility #17

Open achimnol opened 9 years ago

achimnol commented 9 years ago

For our Retro-Click project, this issue collects commits related to general improvements for Click compatibility.


hyeonseop-lee commented 9 years ago

Packet::uniqueify() seems to be implemented to maintain compatibility with Click, however it simply returns nullptr. I think it should behave same as Packet::clone(), so elements following Click's convention can run in NBA.

Please check codes here.

achimnol commented 9 years ago

@protos37: It's just not done yet. :)

achimnol commented 9 years ago

@protos37: And now you have write access to this repository. Feel free to make branches and PRs.