ANNIEsoft / ANNIETankAssembly

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Perform precise position surveys using a theodolite #13

Open vfischer opened 6 years ago

vfischer commented 6 years ago

It would be very useful to know the positions of the tank, veto, MRD, individual PMTs and LAPPDs tracks to less than a centimeter with respect to the hall. This will be useful for simulation but also for reconstruction since having a 1 mm position resolution on an LAPPD isn't very useful if the position of the tile with respect to the tank isn't known to less than 2 centimeters. Fermilab must have techs/engineers who know how to use theodolites and have some on hand. I'd be very surprised if they didn't perform such surveys when they built NovA or MicroBooNE

etiras commented 6 years ago

There is an Alignment and Metrology department (AMD) at Fermilab and we can send a work request. Let's discuss the details at the ops meeting on Monday, November 26th.