It would be very useful to know the positions of the tank, veto, MRD, individual PMTs and LAPPDs tracks to less than a centimeter with respect to the hall.
This will be useful for simulation but also for reconstruction since having a 1 mm position resolution on an LAPPD isn't very useful if the position of the tile with respect to the tank isn't known to less than 2 centimeters.
Fermilab must have techs/engineers who know how to use theodolites and have some on hand. I'd be very surprised if they didn't perform such surveys when they built NovA or MicroBooNE
There is an Alignment and Metrology department (AMD) at Fermilab and we can send a work request.
Let's discuss the details at the ops meeting on Monday, November 26th.
It would be very useful to know the positions of the tank, veto, MRD, individual PMTs and LAPPDs tracks to less than a centimeter with respect to the hall. This will be useful for simulation but also for reconstruction since having a 1 mm position resolution on an LAPPD isn't very useful if the position of the tile with respect to the tank isn't known to less than 2 centimeters. Fermilab must have techs/engineers who know how to use theodolites and have some on hand. I'd be very surprised if they didn't perform such surveys when they built NovA or MicroBooNE