R interface to the ANTs biomedical image processing library
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Guidance on Extracting Numeric Values of Gaussian Curvature from Image Class #392

Open GayanSamuditha opened 5 months ago

GayanSamuditha commented 5 months ago

The problem arises while trying to extract Gaussian curvature from images for analysis purposes. We are currently using the code snippet:

**fik <- weingartenImageCurvature(fi, opt = 'gaussian')**

This code successfully generates an image class object, fik, that represents the Gaussian curvature extracted from the input image fi. The issue we face is in extracting the numeric values of the Gaussian curvature from the fik image class for further quantitative analysis. The lack of a straightforward method to convert or extract these values from the image class has been a challenge.

I am seeking a method or function that enables the direct extraction of Gaussian curvature numeric values from the fik image class. Ideally, this solution would allow for the efficient and accurate retrieval of curvature data in a format that can be easily utilized for subsequent analysis, such as in arrays or lists of numeric values.

As an alternative, we have considered manually analyzing the image data to approximate curvature values, but this method lacks the precision and efficiency required for our analysis. We have also explored other libraries and tools for curvature analysis, yet none seem to offer a straightforward solution for extracting Gaussian curvature values directly from an image class object.

The ability to accurately and efficiently extract Gaussian curvature values is crucial for our project, as these values play a vital role in our analysis. Any guidance, suggestions, or updates to facilitate this extraction process would be greatly appreciated. If there are any existing functions or parameters within the library that we may have overlooked, please advise.

ntustison commented 5 months ago

To convert from an ANTsR image to an R array:

fik_rarray <- as.array( fik )