Rcpp bindings for the C++ ANTs library used by the ANTsR package
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DOC: Keywords #133

Closed muschellij2 closed 3 years ago

muschellij2 commented 3 years ago

As per,

Use @keywords keyword1 keyword2 ... to add standardised keywords. Keywords are optional, but if present, must be taken from the predefined list found file.path(R.home("doc"), "KEYWORDS").

author: johnmuschelli date: 2021-07-23 output: "reprex::reprex_document" title: deep-polyp_reprex.R

cat(readLines(file.path(R.home("doc"), "KEYWORDS")), sep = "\n")
#> GROUPED Keywords
#> ----------------
#> Graphics
#>  aplot       &   Add to Existing Plot / internal plot
#>  dplot       &   Computations Related to Plotting
#>  hplot       &   High-Level Plots
#>  iplot       &   Interacting with Plots
#>  color       &   Color, Palettes etc
#>  dynamic     &   Dynamic Graphics
#>  device      &   Graphical Devices
#> Basics
#>  sysdata     &   Basic System Variables      [!= S]
#>  datasets    &   Datasets available by data(.)   [!= S]
#>  data        &   Environments, Scoping, Packages [~= S]
#>  manip       &   Data Manipulation
#>  attribute   &   Data Attributes
#>  classes     &   Data Types (not OO)
#>      & character &   Character Data ("String") Operations
#>      & complex   &   Complex Numbers
#>      & category  &   Categorical Data
#>      & NA    &   Missing Values          [!= S]
#>  list        &   Lists
#>  chron       &   Dates and Times
#>  package     &   Package Summaries
#> Mathematics
#>  array       &   Matrices and Arrays
#>        & algebra &   Linear Algebra
#>  arith       &   Basic Arithmetic and Sorting    [!= S]
#>  math        &   Mathematical Calculus etc.  [!= S]
#>  logic       &   Logical Operators
#>  optimize    &   Optimization
#>  symbolmath  &   "Symbolic Math", as polynomials, fractions
#>  graphs      &   Graphs, (not graphics), e.g. dendrograms
#> Programming, Input/Ouput, and Miscellaneous
#>  programming &   Programming
#>       & interface&   Interfaces to Other Languages
#>  IO      &   Input/output
#>       & file &   Files
#>       & connection&  Connections
#>       & database &   Interfaces to databases
#>  iteration   &   Looping and Iteration
#>  methods     &   Methods and Generic Functions
#>  print       &   Printing
#>  error       &   Error Handling
#>  environment &   Session Environment
#>  internal    &   Internal Objects (not part of API)
#>  utilities   &   Utilities
#>  misc        &   Miscellaneous
#>  documentation   &   Documentation
#>  debugging   &   Debugging Tools
#> Statistics
#>  datagen     &   Functions for generating data sets
#>  distribution    &   Probability Distributions and Random Numbers
#>  univar      &   simple univariate statistics  [!= S]
#>  htest       &   Statistical Inference
#>  models      &   Statistical Models
#>      & regression&   Regression
#>      & &nonlinear&   Non-linear Regression (only?)
#>  robust      &   Robust/Resistant Techniques
#>  design      &   Designed Experiments
#>  multivariate    &   Multivariate Techniques
#>  ts      &   Time Series
#>  survival    &   Survival Analysis
#>  nonparametric   &   Nonparametric Statistics [w/o 'smooth']
#>  smooth      &   Curve (and Surface) Smoothing
#>       & loess    &   Loess Objects
#>  cluster     &   Clustering
#>  tree        &   Regression and Classification Trees
#>  survey      &   Complex survey samples
#> MASS (2, 1997)
#> --------------
#> add the following keywords :
#>  classif     &   Classification  ['class' package]
#>  spatial     &   Spatial Statistics ['spatial' package]
#>  neural      &   Neural Networks ['nnet'  package]

Created on 2021-07-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)