ANXS / postgresql

Fairly full featured Ansible role for Postgresql.
MIT License
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Error, when connecting with non-sudo users. #476

Closed risayew closed 4 months ago

risayew commented 4 years ago

Hi, everybody! i'm connecting with non-sudo user, and in the playbook definition immidiately changing to root.

- hosts: my-host
  become: yes
  become_method: su
    - ./values.yml
    - { role: ANXS.postgresql }

Until this step all was ok,

- name: PostgreSQL | Check binary version
  shell: >
    psql --version | sed 's/^psql (//' | sed 's/)//' | awk '{print $1, $2}'
  become: yes
  become_user: "{{ postgresql_service_user }}"
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: postgresql_binary_version.stdout == ""
  register: postgresql_binary_version
  check_mode: no``

the script changes to su postgres user, but it's not possible to change out of non-sudo connection user. "msg": "Incorrect su password" Anybody can help, please?

gclough commented 3 years ago

@risayew , did you find a solution to your problem? I guess I'm a little confused, as if you're running Ansible as a non-sudo user, then how are you changing to root?

Does this step (or others that use become_user: ) run?

- name: PostgreSQL | Reset the cluster - drop the existing one | Debian
  shell: pg_dropcluster {{ postgresql_version }} {{ postgresql_cluster_name }}
  become: yes
  become_user: "{{ postgresql_service_user }}"
  when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" and postgresql_cluster_reset and pgdata_dir_exist.changed
maglub commented 3 years ago

This looks like a bit of an unconventional way of using this role.

It would help us if you let us know more about your environment.

The "problem" with su as become_method is that you need to know not only the ansible user's password (or have the NOPASSWD: in the sudoers file), you also need to know the target user's passwords.

Also, it is not root that switches to the postgresql_service_user, it is the user ansible logs into the remote system with.

Is it possible for you to not use the become_method: su? We have never tested the role that way, and it is a use case that is hard to maintain.

What I normally do, is to use a non privileged user for the ssh connection to a managed node, as we don't allow root login in our environment. A typical playbook looks as follows. We run on Ubuntu {18, 20} in our environment. The acl package is needed for the ANXS/postgresql role, so that we can log in with the non proviileged user and switch to postgresql in the role.

- hosts: com-postgres-l01
  become: true
    - name: Install packages for postgresql
      apt: name={{item}} state=present
        - acl
    - packages

- hosts: com-postgres-l01
  become: true
    - { role: "ANXS.postgresql" , tags: ["postgresql"] }
github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

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