ANXS / postgresql

Fairly full featured Ansible role for Postgresql.
MIT License
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Ubuntu 20 (Focale Fossa) support #492

Closed thbar closed 2 years ago

thbar commented 3 years ago

This mimics #435 but for Ubuntu 20 instead of Ubuntu 18.

To be considered a WIP.

I believe it would ultimately be better to first fix #464, then make it easy to override that from the user side, but at least this can help some!

gclough commented 3 years ago

@thbar , could you get this working with travis, et? Any new OS needs to have CI testing to ensure everything is working properly.

thbar commented 3 years ago

@gclough I will have a look at this, since my migration budget is soon to arrive :-)

thbar commented 3 years ago

Upgrade budget still not coming. Situation is complicated.

maglub commented 3 years ago

If you merge ANXS:master into your fork, you will get CI testing as per #511 in Github Actions. We have an Ubuntu 20 CI test running now.

thbar commented 3 years ago

I have refreshed my fork, closed the PR and reopened it to force a CI run.

thbar commented 3 years ago

The installation seems to work locally with a refreshed fork, and I get the correct version of PostGIS installed.

The CI fails though (at least on Debian 10):

TASK [postgresql : PostgreSQL | Reload all conf files] *************************
  changed: [postgresql-11]
  changed: [postgresql-12]
  fatal: [postgresql-10]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unable to start service postgresql: Job for postgresql.service failed because the control process exited with error code.\nSee \"systemctl status postgresql.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"}
  changed: [postgresql-13]
  changed: [postgresql-9_6]

I cannot tell yet if this is a transient CI error, or something linked to the PR. I'll close and reopen again.

thbar commented 3 years ago

It was a transient error, good!

Something is still missing to properly test this: since the suite wasn't failing before the PR, this means the modified code path is not under test.

Testing this would require to install some version of PostGIS during the tests.

thbar commented 3 years ago

@gclough I am using this at the moment (in Vagrant instances), so far so good.

thbar commented 2 years ago

@gclough thanks for incorporating this!