ANXS / postgresql

Fairly full featured Ansible role for Postgresql.
MIT License
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Latest Version (v1.15.0) Not Reflected in ansible-galaxy for anxs.postgresql #557

Closed zarinbal closed 1 month ago

zarinbal commented 6 months ago

Issue Description

I attempted to install version 1.15.0 of the anxs.postgresql role using the command ansible-galaxy install anxs.postgresql. However, the installation process installed version 1.13.0 instead. It seems that the latest version information is not reflecting accurately on Ansible Galaxy.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Execute the command: ansible-galaxy install anxs.postgresql

Expected Behavior

The latest version (v1.15.0) of the anxs.postgresql role should be installed.

Actual Behavior

The installation process installs version v1.13.0 of the anxs.postgresql role.

Alternative way to reproduce:

Execute ansible-galaxy install anxs.postgresql,v1.15.0 --force will return "the specified version (v1.15.0) of anxs.postgresql was not found in the list of available version"


As a temporary workaround, I manually added the required version to my Ansible requirements file:

  - name: "anxs.postgresql"
    version: v1.15.0

Execute the following command to install the correct version: ansible-galaxy install -r requirements-ansible.yaml

Additional Information

Ansible Version: 2.16.2
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04

Note: Please investigate and update the Ansible Galaxy repository to ensure that the latest version information accurately reflects version 1.15.0 of the anxs.postgresql role.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

MrMegaNova commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your report. We are currently seeking access to upload newer versions of the role.

otakup0pe commented 6 months ago

Ohhhh. I can look into this over the next week or so. Will be taking a look across all the ANXS roles, and will prioritize this one.

MrMegaNova commented 6 months ago

Ohhhh. I can look into this over the next week or so. Will be taking a look across all the ANXS roles, and will prioritize this one.

Hi @otakup0pe , I've send you a message about this subject on linkedIn some days ago. Maybe we can exchange about this to synchronize our actions.

MrMegaNova commented 5 months ago

Hi @otakup0pe, I hope your going well and happy new year! As you've probably seen, we've done a lot of work on the anxs.postgresql repository. We need access to galaxy namespace anxs to publish new release. Can you grant me access to the anxs namespace I will also need access to the anxs.postgresql project secrets to store the API key to automate the process with github action. Thanks for your time,

MrMegaNova commented 1 month ago

Problem solved, we are now in sync between our git repository and ansible-galaxy