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Configuration.h correction on defined variable values #2

Open vernieg opened 5 years ago

vernieg commented 5 years ago

There are defined statements that are not seen to be correctly done or can cause problems for they are conflicting in value.

The attached file have the correction on it.

Development on this firmware should be allowed that people can go in one place and contribute to the code. Forking is fine but will only lead to a lot of forks and a waste of time repeating the same work again and again. Everyone can contribute even non-programmers can contribute. We are aware how poorly the code is maintained and people are willing to help.

vernieg commented 4 years ago

At Configuration.h file, changing the X_MIN_POS to -16 instead of X_MIN_POS -10 will align the nozzle at the center of the bed (white paint line) when you send it at coordinate X=200 and Y=200.

// Travel limits after homing (units are in mm)

define X_MIN_POS -16