Thanks for the great plugin, it makes my everyday ROS life much easier :)
However, I'm often faced with plotting arrays as such, not over time, and there is no single plotter out there capable of this. So this might be a nice feature to add here.
I'd fancy a plotter, that can handle array types, e.g. float32[] data-fields. The x-axis would be the index of the element, y-axis the value of the element. The whole plot would refresh with every new message.
Additionally nice to have:
keep a history of past plots and fade them over time
support arrays of custom data types by selecting the element to be plotted
e.g. think an array of PoseWithCovariance[] pose_list
then the user could select pose.pose.position.x
support multiple data-series per plot
by selecting multiple elements
custom x-axis
in the pose example, plot e.g. pose.pose.position.y over pose.pose.position.x for each pose in the array
Thanks for the great plugin, it makes my everyday ROS life much easier :)
However, I'm often faced with plotting arrays as such, not over time, and there is no single plotter out there capable of this. So this might be a nice feature to add here.
I'd fancy a plotter, that can handle array types, e.g.
float32[] data
-fields. The x-axis would be the index of the element, y-axis the value of the element. The whole plot would refresh with every new message.Additionally nice to have:
PoseWithCovariance[] pose_list
for each pose in the array