A domain-model for soils, in the form of a set of classes and properties that define the entities ('features' in GIS-speak) that comprise the important concepts in soils.
ontology -
anais:purpose definition can be updated to as per schema -
from -
"description": "Purpose of or reason for activity.",
"description": "Purpose of or reason for a site or activity. For example, why a Land Survey or Soil Site was established; why a profile was created; or why a site was visited."
ontology - anais:purpose definition can be updated to as per schema - from - "description": "Purpose of or reason for activity.", to- "description": "Purpose of or reason for a site or activity. For example, why a Land Survey or Soil Site was established; why a profile was created; or why a site was visited."
related to https://github.com/ANZSoilData/def-au-schema-json/issues/48