ANZSoilData / def-au-spmile

Preparation and maintenance of a machine-readable representation of soil physical methods, including Concept Scheme the soil physical measurement methods described in Soil Physical Measurement and Interpretation for Land Evaluation. Keppel K. Coughlan; HAmish H Cresswell; Niel N. McKenzie. Publisher CSIRO Copyright 2002.
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problems with how we have dealt with related Concept Schemes in RVA view #8

Closed meganrwong closed 1 year ago

meganrwong commented 1 year ago

This was typed quick. Hope it makes some sense. Would be interested in your thoughts @abhritchie @dr-shorthair

Relates to soil chem methods and soil phys methods

Presenting multiple concept schemes the way we have may cause problems in the future: 1.The metadata of RVA interface is per skos:Concept Scheme . How we have it makes getting the metadata right in the display challenging

  1. You can't download the full ConceptScheme, with the metadata for each procedure for example, in on .tt; at 'download button' , per ConceptScheme

I see RVA has added a 'add related internal vocabulary' or 'add external related vocabulary' that you can add to metadata for RVA for each ConceptScheme.

I imagine none of these work arounds to relate concept schemes to eachother is formalised as SKOS (SKOS can't do that)

So, it is just a matter of what will work better for all in the future.

I wonder, if we should have had seperate ConceptSchemes as we did per ASLS chapter, and assocaited them with eachtoher at RVA upload/metadata

What do we want to do going forward? I don't think this need have implications for the URIs (eg you can still have soil physical properties in URI before the brown book ie .

RVA screen shot below

Make some sense? Thoughts?


meganrwong commented 1 year ago

If there is a need to add other concept schemes/soil physical vocab lists to this vocabulary, we can evaluate how the set up works then. Closing.