AOEpeople / TYPO3_Restler

restler (PHP REST-Framework) for TYPO3
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TYPO3 v9 compatibility #52

Closed gf-luka closed 3 years ago

gf-luka commented 4 years ago

Hello AOEpeople,

I am a little bit confused about the version constraints and the compatibility with TYPO3 v9.

The composer.json implies a compatibility with TYPO3 =< 7.6.0 the ext_emconf.php restricts it to 7.6.0-8.7.99. I don't know, if TYPO3 still checks the ext_emconf.php in composermode.

Are the pull requests about the TYPO3 v9 compatibility stale? Or is this extension already v9 compatible?

Also confusing: the latest release in the TYPO3 extension repository is 2.0.2 but the latest release here on Github is 3.1.3.

It would be nice, if you could bring some light in this.

Thanks and best, Gianni

StefanMasz commented 4 years ago

Hi Gianni, There is a "unstable" V9 branch which is not "released" yet because it breaks the downwards compatibility.

The tagging in TER should be done by a automatic job. It seems like that one is failing. We will have to look into that and think about a "release strategy" for the V9 Version.

Thanks for your feedback. Cheers Stefan

derhansen commented 4 years ago

Hi Stefan,

is this the branch with the v9 compatibility? The one you mentioned is only 6 commits behind master and seems to contain no V9 related changes?

Do you have an idea about, when the V9 version will be released? Is it "just" a matter of testing/user feedback or are there sill some migrations missing?

Best regards Torben

sven-carstens commented 4 years ago

We are currently using the "typo3-v9-master-wip" in one project in production. But we would welcome more testing before making this branch the new master for everybody.

Travis at least is doing testing for all supported Typo3 versions.

tmotyl commented 4 years ago

we're using "aoe/restler": "dev-feature/typo3-v9-master-wip#5282286" on prod since 2 months with a little fix to have it working with TYPO3 running under "subfolder" / "path" and not as root domain.

from my POV it can be relesed and then bugfixes can be made as a next release

sven-carstens commented 4 years ago

@tmotyl Could you send your patch along? Maybe we could integrate it.

tmotyl commented 4 years ago

@sven-carstens we're now in the process of profiling as we see mesurable performance drop in restler in v9. I've added first comment in the PR. Our plan:

However if you could take a look at the comment: in the meantime, that would be great.

infabo commented 4 years ago


how can I enable the "api_explorer" in typo3-v9-master-wip again? its enabled in extension-configuration but it just serves an 404. Do I need to configure some route enhancer?

Another question: Doctrine annotation reader complained about some unknown annotations. To make it work in v9 I had to add some annotations to doctrine global namespace ignore.


Nobody had this problem?

Is it still way-to-go using the following route enhancer config?

        type: Restler
        default: '.json'

Thanks! Great work until!

tmotyl commented 4 years ago

@infabo we also had to add ignore annotation for url - see the restler slack channel

sven-carstens commented 4 years ago

Adding the global ignores seems to be a better way as we can use a class_exists beforehand to keep old Typo3 versions happy.

sven-carstens commented 3 years ago

Sitting idle and should be solved.