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SMS sending problem #73

Open stephencox opened 12 years ago

stephencox commented 12 years ago

I have posted the issue a google code and noticed that it inactive.

The problem is that when sending an sms the modem crashes and fails recursively :-)

stephencox commented 12 years ago

Can it be related to

KhasMek commented 12 years ago

No logs, no mention of what build/device you are on, no way to help.

stephencox commented 12 years ago

Sorry for the absence of information, stupidity at best.... Samsung Galaxy S2 (GT9100) on build 31. The log posted on google code was for build 28. I will post a new log tomorrow.

stephencox commented 12 years ago

Logcat from adb:

Any other logs I need to post?

ghost commented 12 years ago

I have the same issue on HydrogenICS since the beginning. What I have found is that it seems to be related to the SMSC number. I updated mine by dailing ##4636## > Phone Information and updating the SMSC number. (It needs to be in PDU format) and then I can temporarily send smses, but as soon as I restart it crashes the modem (wifi shuts off and signal is completely lost) again when I try to send an sms until I update the SMSC number again. My phone is GSM galaxys s2 (GT9100). I will try to update the SMSC on my sim by using another phone to see if it is related to the ROM failing to save it perhaps.

stephencox commented 12 years ago

The SMSC number in my situation is correctly detected.

ghost commented 12 years ago

Mine is detected too, have you tried sending a message after pressing refresh and then update? I would take down the number after pressing refresh just in case it gets lost somehow. Saves you the trouble of having to convert it later.

ghost commented 12 years ago

Another thing to try is using Go SMS Pro. You can change the SMSC number in Menu > Settings > Advanced Tab > Send Settings and then enabling Customized SMSC and entering the SMSC number (non-pdu format). If that still causes yours to crash then I think we have different issues, because with mine it sends fine like this.

stephencox commented 12 years ago

The radio doesn't crash anymore, but the sms still cannot be send. Maybe I need to wait for the radio exchange with the SMSC.

stephencox commented 12 years ago

Go SMS Pro works for me.

stephencox commented 12 years ago fixed the problem, so now I can use the android sms app