AOMediaCodec / av1-isobmff

Official specification of the AOM group for the carriage of AV1 in ISOBMFF
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On `AV1CodecConfigurationRecord` syntax #134

Closed podborski closed 2 years ago

podborski commented 2 years ago

The following array definition looks not correct:

unsigned int (8)[] configOBUs;

We should probably change it to:

unsigned int (8) configOBUs[];
cconcolato commented 2 years ago

we should use valid SDL syntax, i.e. the proposed change.

wantehchang commented 2 years ago

Cyril: In the draft revision of the AVIF spec, we have:

class AV1LayeredImageIndexingProperty extends ItemProperty('a1lx') {
    unsigned int(7) reserved = 0;
    unsigned int(1) large_size;
    FieldLength = (large_size + 1) * 16;
    unsigned int(FieldLength)[3] layer_size;

Is the syntax for the layer_size array also wrong?

podborski commented 2 years ago

It should simply be changed to unsigned int(FieldLength) layer_size[3];

cconcolato commented 2 years ago

We agree to fix the SDL.