AOMediaCodec / av1-rtp-spec

Current draft (HTML):
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Media types cannot be supported in SDP signalling if they are not supported in libwebrtc itself. #208

Closed agouaillard-cosmo closed 3 years ago

agouaillard-cosmo commented 3 years ago

see #206

7.2.3 Usage with the SDP Offer/Answer Model | 2 | The media format configuration is identified by level-idx, profile and tier. The answerer SHOULD maintain all parameters. These media configuration parameters are asymmetrical and the answerer MAY declare its own media configuration if the answerer capabilities are different from the offerer.

7.2.3 Usage with the SDP Offer/Answer Model | 3 | The profile to use in the offerer-to-answerer direction MUST be lesser or equal to the profile the answerer supports for receiving, and the profile to use in the answerer-to-offerer direction MUST be lesser or equal to the profile the offerer supports for receiving.

7.2.3 Usage with the SDP Offer/Answer Model | 4 | The level to use in the offerer-to-answerer direction MUST be lesser or equal to the level the answerer supports for receiving, and the level to use in the answerer-to-offerer direction MUST be lesser or equal to the level the offerer supports for receiving.

7.2.3 Usage with the SDP Offer/Answer Model | 5 | The tier to use in the offerer-to-answerer direction MUST be lesser or equal to the tier the answerer supports for receiving, and the tier to use in the answerer-to-offerer direction MUST be lesser or equal to the tier the offerer supports for receiving.

aboba commented 3 years ago

This sounds more like a bug to be filed in the Chromium or bug repo than an AV1 RTP payload specification bug.

agouaillard-cosmo commented 3 years ago

see #206 for discussion.

StephenBotzko commented 3 years ago

A test patch for webrtc was created which allowed this negotiation to be tested.