AOMediaCodec / libavif

libavif - Library for encoding and decoding .avif files
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error when encoding animated sequence with svt-av1 #542

Open novomesk opened 3 years ago

novomesk commented 3 years ago

How to reproduce: avifenc -c svt -o animationtest.avif input1.jpg input2.jpg

Successfully loaded: input1.jpg
AVIF to be written: (Lossy)
 * Resolution     : 960x960
 * Bit Depth      : 8
 * Format         : YUV444
 * Alpha          : Absent
 * Range          : Full
 * Color Primaries: 2
 * Transfer Char. : 2
 * Matrix Coeffs. : 6
 * ICC Profile    : Present (3048 bytes)
 * XMP Metadata   : Absent (0 bytes)
 * EXIF Metadata  : Absent (0 bytes)
 * Transformations: None
Encoding with AV1 codec 'svt' speed [6], color QP [24 (Medium) <-> 26 (Medium)], alpha QP [0 (Lossless) <-> 0 (Lossless)], tileRowsLog2 [0], tileColsLog2 [0], 1 worker thread(s), please wait...
 * Encoding frame 1 [1/30 ts]: input1.jpg
ERROR: Failed to encode image: Invalid codec-specific option
The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.
joedrago commented 3 years ago

It appears our SVT implementation (which I didn't write) can only handle single image, YUV420 encodes. I'm not sure exactly why:

@jonsneyers Can you offer any insight to @novomesk ?

jonsneyers commented 3 years ago

Image sequences should be fine. SVT itself is limited to YUV420 though, afaik (cannot do YUV444).

novomesk commented 3 years ago

Image sequences should be fine. SVT itself is limited to YUV420 though, afaik (cannot do YUV444).

avifenc -y 420 -c svt -o animationtest.avif input1.jpg input2.jpg produced the same error.