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Feature: Custom sign-in page for NextAuth sign-ins + General NextAuth Changes #9

Open alexng353 opened 5 months ago

alexng353 commented 5 months ago




Comment beneath this post if you're interested in creating this page

alexng353 commented 5 months ago

Proposals for alternate providers (with reasons)

  1. Passkey (high security passwordless alternative, mostly my opinion)
  2. Microsoft (a lot of schools have school microsoft accounts)
  3. Email & Password (for obvious reasons)
  4. twitter/instagram/facebook (common social media platforms that we can assume people will have)

I don't know how many providers is optimal

AlokSwaminathan commented 5 months ago

I think Google is a must, discord is probably fine because it's so easy to set up, and email & password is also probably a must for maximum reach.

The issue is for email and password, with NextAuth at least (as far as I am aware), is that we have to deal with encryption (hashing, salting, etc...) on our own, which is probably not worth the effort to begin with, so it can most likely be added later.

alexng353 commented 5 months ago

I think Google is a must, discord is probably fine because it's so easy to set up, and email & password is also probably a must for maximum reach.

Just going to go for Google, Microsoft, and Discord for now. Google & Microsoft (Outlook) would be the most common accounts that students are provided, and Discord because... AP-Students is a Discord server