APCLab / bitcoin

Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
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compilation #6

Closed mwtsai closed 8 years ago

mwtsai commented 8 years ago

關於compilation的問題,我現在是使用windows系統, windows要編譯的方法有兩種

  1. Cross -compilation from Ubuntu
  2. Building on Windows itself

由於我個人對於linux不太熟,因此使用第2種方法,但build-windows.md也只有教學第一種作法。 網路上資料就找到這篇算是比較清楚的,因此使用這篇來建建看,是使用MinGW的。

@iblis17 覺得現階段用1會比較好嗎,還是說直接用unix系統呢?

iblislin commented 8 years ago

我的建議是: 先去看看 unix 吧, 206 有 ubuntu

iblislin commented 8 years ago

@mwtsai 那麼選一個吧。


iblislin commented 8 years ago

沒人說不可以越級打 boss,看看 C8763

mwtsai commented 8 years ago


mwtsai commented 8 years ago


arayaneko@doric:~/bitcoin-0.12.1/src$ ./bitcoin-cli Bitcoin Core RPC client version v0.12.1.0-g9779e1e

Usage: bitcoin-cli [options] [params] Send command to Bitcoin Core bitcoin-cli [options] help List commands bitcoin-cli [options] help Get help for a command


-? This help message

-conf= Specify configuration file (default: bitcoin.conf)


Specify data directory

Chain selection options:

-testnet Use the test chain

-regtest Enter regression test mode, which uses a special chain in which blocks can be solved instantly. This is intended for regression testing tools and app development.

-rpcconnect= Send commands to node running on (default:

-rpcport= Connect to JSON-RPC on (default: 8332 or testnet: 18332)

-rpcwait Wait for RPC server to start

-rpcuser= Username for JSON-RPC connections

-rpcpassword= Password for JSON-RPC connections

-rpcclienttimeout= Timeout during HTTP requests (default: 900)

arayaneko@doric:~/bitcoin-0.12.1/src$ ./bitcoind ^Carayaneko@doric:~/bitcoin-0.12.1/src$ cd qt arayaneko@doric:~/bitcoin-0.12.1/src/qt$ ./bitcoin-qt

iblislin commented 8 years ago

@mwtsai looks fine!