APCSP-RAGS / group-student

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Web Development Review Ticket | CompSci Blogs #2

Open utterances-bot opened 11 months ago

utterances-bot commented 11 months ago

Web Development Review Ticket | CompSci Blogs

Hacks Accomplished HTML Basics Created an HTML output with links Created objects such as buttons to be used Combined HTML with JS to create an interactive experience JS Basics Created variables using the var function Assigned/Reassigned variables Performed numerical operations (*, +, /, %…) Created conditional statements to compare variables Combined conditional statements w/ input & comparision to compare two integers JS Errors Fixed logic errors in code (code performing the wrong action) Fixed syntax errors & incorrect outputs Created a restaurant menu ordering system Fixed a syntax error Added code to perform a specific task Used conditional statements to compare and iterate through variables


iwu78 commented 11 months ago

Header is not in blog and hacks cannot be viewed. Review ticket discusses hacks accomplished but that cannot be viewed in HTML Basics, JS Basics, JS Errors, DOM, and Data Types. Hacks accomplished do go above and beyond, but it is hard to give a peer grade without seeing the hacks themselves (I could just be missing something). Web test contains a review ticket that discusses everything completed, and has reached out for peer reviews, +1.5 in last two categories. As aforementioned difficult to give a peer grade without seeing directly the hacks.

LincolnC2008 commented 11 months ago

I would give your guys' group a 3.7 because while you do have the JS debugging which counts as extra credit, the hacks are not very personalized to fit any theme as can be seen with Ronit's group, who had a batman theme. The hacks are average and as a result, I feel 3.7/4 is a fair score.