APS-USAXS / bluesky

USAXS Bluesky instrument for APS-U era
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Support the 12ID monochromator with bluesky #6

Open prjemian opened 2 months ago

prjemian commented 2 months ago

Need to set and read energy. There may be details how to operate it. It's not a Kohzu monochromator.

prjemian commented 2 months ago

Started asking in BCDA for experience with this monochromator.

prjemian commented 2 months ago

EPICS database: /net/s12dserv/xorApps/epics/synApps_6_1/ioc/12ida1/db/SB_DCM.db

IOC: https://git.aps.anl.gov/12ID/12ida1

prjemian commented 2 months ago

Review the existing SPEC controls.

prjemian commented 2 months ago

... they used to have the 2nd crystal on a slide . . . so it roughly had to be positioned in the correct spot, but wasn't moved with the 1st crystal routinely . . . not sure if that design is/was still basically the same.

In the EPICS database...

Choices like this need to be considered by the users of the controls:

record(bo, "$(P)Z2_Mode") {  field(ZNAM, "Freeze Z2")  field(ONAM, "Move Z2")}

Bluesky can choose whether to avoid exposing this PV.

jilavsky commented 2 months ago

PVs 12ida2:E2P_driveValue.A is target energy keV 12ida2:E2P_driveValue.B is target wavelength 12ida:EnCalc and 12ida2:LambdaCalc screen is BESSRC_Mono.ui in /net/s12dserv/xorApps/ui-autoconvert/12id/iocs/12ida2

prjemian commented 2 months ago

Thinking energy and wavelength should both be positioner Components so they act like motors, as part of a monochromator Device. Will need additional Components for things like Z2_Mode PV. Also, if there is any caution of adjust this before that, we'll need Components for each such PV and a procedure for such adjustment.