APS-USAXS / livedata

live data from the APS USAXS instrument
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refactor livedata.scanplots.get_USAXS_FlyScan_Data for bluesky SPEC files #10

Closed prjemian closed 5 years ago

prjemian commented 5 years ago

from https://github.com/APS-USAXS/ipython-usaxs/issues/202: scanplots needs a common function to read HDF data file name from SPEC data file

Present routine makes assumptions about location of HDF file in SPEC file's comments. Likely other assumptions. Bottom line: fails to get I(Q).

prjemian commented 5 years ago


#S 110  Flyscan(pos_X=60, pos_Y=160, thickness=0, scan_title=blank)
#D Thu May 02 17:48:29 2019
#C Thu May 02 17:48:29 2019.  plan_type = generator
#C Thu May 02 17:48:29 2019.  uid = 19965989-0a2a-44aa-aa06-c1248754e651
#C Thu May 02 17:48:30 2019.  start USAXS Fly scan
#C Thu May 02 17:48:30 2019.  HDF5 configuration file: /share1/AreaDetectorConfig/FlyScan_config/saveFlyData.xml
#C Thu May 02 17:48:30 2019.  FlyScan file name = ./05_02_test_usaxs/blank_0755.h5.
#MD uid = 19965989-0a2a-44aa-aa06-c1248754e651
#MD EPICS_HOST_ARCH = linux-x86_64
#MD beamline_id = APS USAXS 9-ID-C
#MD fly_scan_time = 90.0
#MD hdf5_file = blank_0755.h5
#MD hdf5_path = /share1/USAXS_data/2019-05/05_02_test_usaxs
#MD login_id = usaxs@usaxscontrol.xray.aps.anl.gov
#MD pid = 29888
#MD proposal_id = testing Bluesky installation
#MD purpose = issue 143
#N 0
#C no data column labels identified
#C Thu May 02 17:48:30 2019.  fly scan completed in 148.15648794174194 s
#C Thu May 02 17:48:30 2019.  finished writing fly scan HDF5 file: /share1/USAXS_data/2019-05/05_02_test_usaxs/blank_0755.h5
#C Thu May 02 17:50:59 2019.  num_events_baseline = 2
#C Thu May 02 17:50:59 2019.  num_events_mca = 1
#C Thu May 02 17:50:59 2019.  exit_status = success