APS-USAXS / usaxs-bluesky-ended-2023

Bluesky instrument for USAXS
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BS '<' error #547

Closed jilavsky closed 2 years ago

jilavsky commented 2 years ago

Started in new terminal, BlueSky loads. Tried to start data collection. Something about TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'KohzuSoftPositionerTuple' and 'float' stops data collection... Cannot proceed. Switching to spec. Call me when ready, please.

I Tue-12:06:03 - memory report: pmem(rss=310996992, vms=3479494656, shared=49659904, text=2560000, lib=0, data=2960629760, dirty=0)
I Tue-12:06:04 - Command file verified
I Tue-12:06:04 - Measuring background for: PD_USAXS

I Tue-12:06:05 - PD_USAXS range=4 gain=1e12 bkg=99.0 +/- 196.0
I Tue-12:06:06 - I0_USAXS range=4 gain=1e9 bkg=35.8 +/- 0.9797958971132711
I Tue-12:06:06 - I00_USAXS range=4 gain=1e9 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0

I Tue-12:06:07 - PD_USAXS range=3 gain=1e10 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0
I Tue-12:06:07 - I0_USAXS range=3 gain=1e8 bkg=6.6 +/- 11.2
I Tue-12:06:07 - I00_USAXS range=3 gain=1e8 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0

I Tue-12:06:09 - PD_USAXS range=2 gain=1e8 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0
I Tue-12:06:09 - I0_USAXS range=2 gain=1e7 bkg=28.2 +/- 0.39999999999999997
I Tue-12:06:09 - I00_USAXS range=2 gain=1e7 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0

I Tue-12:06:11 - PD_USAXS range=1 gain=1e6 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0
I Tue-12:06:11 - I0_USAXS range=1 gain=1e6 bkg=7.6 +/- 10.461357464497615
I Tue-12:06:11 - I00_USAXS range=1 gain=1e6 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0

I Tue-12:06:13 - PD_USAXS range=0 gain=1e4 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0
I Tue-12:06:13 - I0_USAXS range=0 gain=1e5 bkg=29.0 +/- 0.0
I Tue-12:06:13 - I00_USAXS range=0 gain=1e5 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'KohzuSoftPositionerTuple' and 'float'

In [6]: 
prjemian commented 2 years ago

Also noticed here: https://github.com/APS-USAXS/ipython-usaxs/issues/516#issuecomment-1026098231

prjemian commented 2 years ago

final steps of that report:

trd_autorange_controls_ranges_gain0_background -> 1.0
trd_autorange_controls_ranges_gain0_background_error -> 0.0
I Mon-12:48:16 - TR diode range=0 gain=1e5 bkg=1.0 +/- 0.0
scaler0_preset_time -> 0.025
scaler0_auto_count_delay -> 0.02500000037252903
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'KohzuSoftPositionerTuple' and 'float'
prjemian commented 2 years ago


calls https://github.com/APS-USAXS/ipython-usaxs/blob/8c149024007334bf67f836fcc7c3ae2e87cd8e9b/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/plans/command_list.py#L403 https://github.com/APS-USAXS/ipython-usaxs/blob/8c149024007334bf67f836fcc7c3ae2e87cd8e9b/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/plans/command_list.py#L457

calls https://github.com/APS-USAXS/ipython-usaxs/blob/8c149024007334bf67f836fcc7c3ae2e87cd8e9b/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/plans/command_list.py#L106

look for scaler0 to be counted

prjemian commented 2 years ago

The problem is with a comparison of monochromator value. Looking at: https://github.com/APS-USAXS/ipython-usaxs/blob/8c149024007334bf67f836fcc7c3ae2e87cd8e9b/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/devices/monochromator.py#L58-L59

need to search for comparisons that involve .dcm:

(/share1/bluesky/conda_envs/bluesky_2022_1) bash-4.2$ git grep "\\.dcm"
plans/axis_tuning.py:    if monochromator.dcm.energy.get() < 10.99:  # ~ 10 keV for Si 220 crystals
plans/axis_tuning.py:    elif 10.99 <= monochromator.dcm.energy.get() < 12.99:   # Si 220 crystals
plans/axis_tuning.py:    elif 12.99 <= monochromator.dcm.energy.get() < 18.1:   # Si 220 crystals
plans/axis_tuning.py:    elif 18.1 <= monochromator.dcm.energy.get() < 20.8:   # Si 220 crystals
plans/axis_tuning.py:    elif 20.8 <= monochromator.dcm.energy.get():   # Si 220 crystals
plans/filters.py:    if monochromator.dcm.energy.get() < 12.1:
plans/filters.py:    elif monochromator.dcm.energy.get() < 18.1:
plans/scans.py:    # angle_offset = q2angle(q_offset, monochromator.dcm.wavelength.get())
plans/scans.py:    startAngle = terms.USAXS.ar_val_center.get()- q2angle(terms.USAXS.start_offset.get(),monochromator.dcm.wavelength.get())
plans/scans.py:    endAngle = terms.USAXS.ar_val_center.get()-q2angle(terms.USAXS.finish.get(),monochromator.dcm.wavelength.get())
plans/scans.py:    # angle_offset = q2angle(q_offset, monochromator.dcm.wavelength.get())
prjemian commented 2 years ago

Looking in apstools:

class KohzuSeqCtl_Monochromator(Device):
    synApps Kohzu double-crystal monochromator sequence control program

    .. index:: Ophyd Device; KohzuSeqCtl_Monochromator

    energy = Component(KohzuSoftPositioner, "BraggE", kind="hinted")
    theta = Component(KohzuSoftPositioner, "BraggTheta", kind="normal")
    # lambda is reserved word in Python, can't use it for wavelength
    wavelength = Component(KohzuSoftPositioner, "BraggLambda", kind="normal")

and there is the problem. The .dcm.energy is a KohzuSoftPositioner (now), not a Signal. Replace .get() with .position. This line:

    if monochromator.dcm.energy.get() < 10.99:  # ~ 10 keV for Si 220 crystals

should be changed to:

    if monochromator.dcm.energy.position < 10.99:  # ~ 10 keV for Si 220 crystals

NOTE: The change to make Kohzu energy, theta, & wavelength into positioners was in apstools 1.5.3. We did not see that yet since USAXS was running apstools 1.4 last December. Now upgraded to latest apstools 1.6.1.

software versions in last run from December 2021

In [4]: cat = databroker.catalog["9idc_usaxs_retired_2022_01_14"]

In [5]: run = cat.v2[-1]

In [6]: run.metadata["start"]["versions"]
{'bluesky': '1.6.7',
 'ophyd': '1.6.0',
 'databroker': '1.2.0',
 'apstools': '1.4.1',
 'epics': '3.4.3',
 'h5py': '2.10.0',
 'numpy': '1.19.2',
 'matplotlib': '3.3.2',
 'spec2nexus': '2021.1.8',
 'pyRestTable': '2020.0.3',
 'pymongo': '3.11.2'}
prjemian commented 2 years ago

software versions today

In [1]: RE.md["versions"]
{'bluesky': '1.8.2',
 'ophyd': '1.6.3',
 'databroker': '1.2.5',
 'apstools': '1.6.1',
 'epics': '3.5.0',
 'h5py': '3.6.0',
 'numpy': '1.21.2',
 'matplotlib': '3.5.0',
 'spec2nexus': '2021.1.8',
 'pyRestTable': '2020.0.3',
 'pymongo': '3.12.0'}
prjemian commented 2 years ago


In [2]: monochromator.dcm.energy.position
Out[2]: 21.000047131358706

In [3]: monochromator.dcm.energy.get()
Out[3]: KohzuSoftPositionerTuple(setpoint=21.000047131358706, readback=21.000047131358706, done=0)
prjemian commented 2 years ago

It's an upgrade detail I missed.