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APSIM classic source code compile fail #2225

Open JoannaYRS opened 7 months ago

JoannaYRS commented 7 months ago


I'm currently facing some challenges while attempting to compile the entire APSIM model from its source code. Following the steps on the webpage, I encounter [Fail] returns, including '[Fail] Compile General' and '[Fail] Compile ShellExtensions'. I'm using Visual Studio 2017, and I've attached screenshots of the compilation printout for reference.

Additionally, while inspecting the Maize model's code, I noticed incomplete files. For instance, in 'Maize/plant.h', the following lines are present:

#include <ComponentInterface2/ScienceAPI2.h>
#include <ComponentInterface2/DataTypes.h>

However, these two files are missing from the 'ComponentInterface2' directory.

I would appreciate any suggestions or answers. Thank you.

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peter-devoil commented 7 months ago

.. incomplete files.

These files are generated by the build process; and if the build process fails, they won't be there.

I'm guessing that the root issue is that it's not setting up the VS2017 build environment correctly - that's the batch file "VSDevCmd.bat" error. It relies on that to to the autogenerating bit above. Can you investigate if that file is installed, if not - did you install the 32 bit compiler?

JoannaYRS commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much for your response @peter-devoil . Upon inspecting the BuildAll.bat file, I discovered that the path to VsDevCmd.bat is incorrect for my situation:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"

This is because I originally used Professional 2017. To avoid potential errors, I reinstalled Visual Studio 2017 Community and recompiled APSIM. However, I encountered a new error. I appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you! image

peter-devoil commented 7 months ago

You can ignore the cotton error if cotton isn't in your simulations

ShellExtensions are likewise for windows XP - anachronisms.

The missing xml libraries are usually installed alongside the build tree - that's step 2 in https://www.apsim.info/documentation/model-documentation/developer-documentation/building-apsim-from-source/.

I just checked whether that BuildLibraries archive exists - and it appears to have moved. @hol353 - any clues where?

peter-devoil commented 7 months ago

@JoannaYRS - drop me an email at peter dot devoil at uq.edu.au and I'll send you a download link

@hol353 - perhaps that .7z archive should be in the repo so we dont keep losing it..

hol353 commented 7 months ago

Yes I think the archive should be in the repo somewhere. Does someone want to raise a PR and add it?

JoannaYRS commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much @peter-devoil and @hol353 Now I have almost all [Pass] except for Cotton, BuildAll, Compile, and Post-Compile. Just wanna make sure, does this mean that I have succeeded in compiling it? (I don't need to simulate cotton, only focusing on maize now) image

peter-devoil commented 7 months ago

Yes, the "fail" cascades up the tree of targets - the cotton module is causing the others to fail.

Once upon a time, somebody decided that the IP of the cotton module was valuable and made us put a password on it..