APSIMInitiative / APSIM710

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Addition of weed models and improvements to modelling mixtures #866

Open ApsimBot opened 5 years ago

ApsimBot commented 5 years ago

Legacy Bug ID: 1378 Author: Jeremy Jeremy Whish Date: 2011-09-14 18:42:18 +0000 UTC


Short description of the concept or proposed improvements: 
Currently APSIM uses a generic weed model that can be adjusted to roughly simulate common weeds. We have a current project (RIRDC) to create more specific models of common weeds (wild radish, wild oats, rye grass, Heliotrope and turnip weed) these models will be validated against observed data sets and used to check APSIM’s ability to simulate mixtures. Some changes may also occur to canopy and the flip flop routines, but this is unlikely to occur under this current single year project. In addition to the new specific weed models it is planned to re work the generic weed, making it simpler and with better guidelines for people to represent common weed types. These models will be constructed in both plant and Plant2    

Rationale and Justification:


Apsim is increasingly being used to simulate weeds and is becoming a key part of other weed resistance models. This project is to update our weed models, which up to now have been created on an add-hoc needs basis. The current funding will help us create models based on observed data, that grow and produce seed, and a generic tool that can be used to remove water in a similar fashion to weeds.

Details of the proposed improvements: 

Creation of new stand-alone models 


Implications for users: 

These will be new models so no users are currently using them. there is no impact for current users

Supporting documentation (optional):

ApsimBot commented 5 years ago

Author: murphy Date: 2013-01-31 10:25:00 +0000 UTC

Status Update - Jeremy Whish repots that two of the weeds have been built with validation test sets attached and these are just waiting a final check before being ready for review. Hope is to complete the checking early in the 2013.