APSIMInitiative / ApsimX

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Phenology rarely updates its phases #3849

Closed hol430 closed 5 years ago

hol430 commented 5 years ago

Phenology only updates its list of phases in the OnCreated() method. This only gets called when we open the .apsimx file. This was a problem today when I was testing some changes in Allan's chickpea model. I wanted to remove a duplicate phase, but the changes were not applied until I closed and re-opened the .apsimx file. Is there any particular reason we do this?

@hut104 @HamishBrownPFR

hol353 commented 5 years ago

@hut104 and I found this today as well. If I delete a duplicate phase, the change needs to be applied immediately. This is a defect that needs fixing.

HamishBrownPFR commented 5 years ago

No reason but bad programming for doing it like this