APSIMInitiative / ApsimX

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Sorghum model senescence defect #8917

Open hol353 opened 2 months ago

hol353 commented 2 months ago

What happened?

The attached simulation throws the exception:

Paddock.Sorghum.Leaf:                             Emergence
                                                  LAI = 0.00 (m^2/m^2)
Paddock.Sorghum.AboveGround:                      AboveGround = 1.80 (g/m^2)
.Sorghum_DEWS-30778_Northern_Soil_72_Pop9_Buster: ERROR in file: C:\Work\Temp\Heidi\Sorghum_Pop9_30778.apsimx
Simulation name: Sorghum_DEWS-30778_Northern_Soil_72_Pop9_Buster
 ---> System.Exception: Attempted to senesce more N than exists on leaf 'Leaf'
   at Models.PMF.Organs.SorghumLeaf.ApplySenescence() in C:\Work\Repos\APSIMInitiative\ApsimX\Models\PMF\Organs\SorghumLeaf.cs:line 897
   at Models.PMF.Organs.SorghumLeaf.OnDoActualPlantGrowth(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Work\Repos\APSIMInitiative\ApsimX\Models\PMF\Organs\SorghumLeaf.cs:line 1102
   at Models.Clock.OnDoCommence(Object _, CommenceArgs e) in C:\Work\Repos\APSIMInitiative\ApsimX\Models\Clock.cs:line 417
   at Models.Core.Simulation.Run(CancellationTokenSource cancelToken) in C:\Work\Repos\APSIMInitiative\ApsimX\Models\Core\Simulation.cs:line 292
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

135.8 kg/ha of NO3N was added at sowing. The sorghum model is trying to senesce all leaves at emergence so my guess it is severely water stresed.


What Operating System are you on?


hol353 commented 2 months ago

@peter-devoil - can you look at this?