APSIMInitiative / ReferencePanel

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2020-05 Minutes #60

Closed sarahcleary closed 4 years ago

sarahcleary commented 4 years ago


Tuesday 5/5/20; 9:30 AEST

Members: Video/Teleconference:

@yashvirchauhan; @peter-devoil; @LouisAK; @sarchontoulis; @sarahcleary; @EnliWang; @HamishBrownPFR; @MarkLieffering; @jbrider; @JulianneLilley; @kchenu; @Keith-Pembleton;

Apologies/Not in attendance


1.1 Welcome/Apologies

Welcome from @peter-devoil

1.2 Review Minutes

Review Minutes: 2020-04 Minutes

Reviewed outstanding issues not addressed later this meeting. Taken as read and correct.

2. Science/Software

2.1 Check for new APSIM Major Improvements

Noted proposed new model - (New PMF New Pigeon Pea Model for APSIM Next Generation Model)[https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ApsimX/issues/5105] - noted comments on the model were added to this new issue, aligned with the concept note process. No further questions or comments.

2.2 Updates from RP on models and reviews

Sorghum model - no update provided.

New PMF Gliricidia Model - noted @ElvisElli had agreed to review the model. ACTION: @sarahcleary to follow up with @ElvisElli.

Soybean Model - @EnliWang and @yashvirchauhan have both commenced their review.

Models requiring review


Models/Updates in release since last RP meeting

Addition of Agroforestry Model Creation of New SoilNutrient Model

3 Software

APSIMX vs APSIM Next Generation - sought direction from the RP on this question. Ideally, would be good to utilise one term only. ACTION: Agreed to seek feedback on implications on renaming (1) the repository from APSIMX to APSIMNG and the file extension to .apsimng. Agreed to only change if there weren't any detrimental consequences.

Maize Model P Response Not Working - @enliwang raised issue with P response in Maize Model - Simulations function in 7.9 but not in 7.10. @enliwang to provide simulations to @jbrider. @keith-pembleton to discuss work conducted by post doc - already worked on this issue. Link with @jbrider.

Rice Model - @HamishBrownPFR requested an update on the Rice Model. @keith-pembleton noted that @andomariot with the support of Don Gaydon were working on a new model. @enliwang said he should be able to source some datasets from CN collaborators. Generic systems aspects would be a valuable start for this development and could benefit for a group of people working on this. Maybe a possibility to raise with the AI SC for some seed funding. Also noted that general utility across asia will be hampered by the lack of a paddy /pond capability, though projected activities (USQ) are unaffected. @enliwang may have a potential PhD student. @keith-pembleton offered to look at the possibility of USQ providing a scholarship. Requested @enliwang to forward CV when ready.

Labels for APSIM Initiative Issues noted that this issue should be renamed to include the 'teams' concept. Reqeuest for RP to attend to the action from last meeting. ACTION: @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel need to engage people into the discussion noting the potential benefit of engagement with others. @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel to send email to developers/users within their own organisations/project group.
New Action ACTION: @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel and others to tag and/or mention teams on new issues. Also, include Steering Committee members in GitHub conversations where required.

APSIM Classic - process for continuous release - Noted this is 99% was nearly complete. @peter-devoil provided a demonstration of the system. ACTION: @sarahcleary to work with @peter-devoil on 'news article' when finalised.

Noted that the APSIM Commercial Click Wrap Licence is available to 3rd parties for download.

4 Outstanding Actions

5 Training

@APSIMInitiative/Reference Panel - agreed to tag relevant people onto GitHub when required. @sarahcleary to tag where not picked up quickly.
https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ApsimX/labels/question https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/APSIMClassic/labels/question

Discussion on the possibility of a special issue publication. Agreed this should be investigated. Noted that a special issue can be open for a long time. Goal is for an approx. 6 month submission period and to raise this with attendees at the Symposium.

ACTION: @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel to suggest potential journals. @sarahcleary and @kchenu to discuss next steps.

APSIM Week - discussed reviewing the date in early July. Anticipate that the Symposium and workshops will be able to be held in November although note that non AU, NZ attendees may not be able to enter AU.
Run sheets and workshops to be discussed in July RP meeting

Noted the new training videos from Matt Harrison and that the Agroforestry workshop participants have been contacted by Phil Smethurst to ensure all participants can run simulations in APSIM NG.

7 Science Chats

@jwhish provided an overview on Pest/Disease plant interface. No actions arising.

8 RP Strategy Day

10 Other Business


11 Next Meeting

RP Strategy Session 2 June 2020; 9-12 AEST.