APSIMInitiative / ReferencePanel

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2020-11 Minutes #77

Closed sarahcleary closed 3 years ago

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

2020-11 Minutes

Members: Video/Teleconference:

@yashvirchauhan; @MarkLieffering; @LouisAK; @peter-devoil; @sarahcleary; @Keith-Pembleton; @kchenu; @EnliWang; @jbrider; @sarchontoulis; @sno036; @HamishBrownPFR; @hol353

Apologies: @JulianneLilley

Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - 9:30 am AEST

Agenda Item

1.1 Welcome/Apologies

Welcome from @peter-devoil

1.2 Review Minutes

Review Minutes: 2020-10 Minutes

Taken as read and correct

2. Science/Software

2.1 Check for new APSIM Major Improvements

GitHub MAJOR science issues GitHub ALL science issues

No new issues for disucssion

Update on DCaPS from @jbrider - https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/APSIMClassic/issues/1944. Photosynthesis model - utilises hourly calculations, based on Alex Wu's work. Currently packaged as .dll in Classic. Development will go through formal review once incorporated into NG.

Note the question from the CLEM team about online collaboration - https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ApsimX/issues/5730
@APSIMInitiative/reference-panel comfortable with @hol353's suggestion.

2.2 Updates from RP on models and reviews

Models currently under review

Discussion on whether a review should/could be accepted with incomplete documentation. General consensus that although not being able to provide new models into release, accepting models with incomplete documentation will mean that some documentation will never be complete. Agreement to await documentation

No new Models requiring review

3 Software

-- Naming of APSIM Next Gen - https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ApsimX/issues/4690 - to be done this month

4 Outstanding Actions

-- Concept Note - https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ReferencePanel/issues/ - @peter-devoil to follow up outstanding issues

-- Infrastructure replacement - After discussion with UQ, USQ and CSIRO, to enable everyone access, option is to run APSIM build system in the cloud. UQ/Nectar was a dead end wrt to licensing. This will require some AI funding - cost $3-4K per year, roughly equivalent to purchase price over lifetime (ie same as present).

-- Workshop on soil “P” - A coordination workshop. @Keith-Pembleton to contact @hut104 and work with @hut104 with regard to intent, required resources, timing of workshops

-- How to stop ApsimNG overwriting saved version of model? @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel agreed that a button to allow autosave should be included. Default to on.

5 Project/Funding Proposals

@HamishBrownPFR still undertaking some leg work with industry supporters to enable him to flesh out a proposal for cofunding a validation of APSIM datasets for consideration by RP. @HamishBrownPFR to talk through concept with AI SC.

6 Training and Support

Communications - APSIM Website and ResearchGate Updates

Noted new videos uploaded by Matt Harrison for NG training.
New ones to be uploaded with focus on Agroforestry- @sme016 with a news article to be uploaded shortly.

Update on APSIM Week - https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ReferencePanel/issues/73

Agreed for APSIM week to be cancelled in the form as organised for March 2020. General consensus that an APSIM Symposium in its current form has limited value and advanced training workshops are difficult to deliver online due to trainer:attendee ratio required. @Keith-Pembleton suggested providing an online forum which provides some examples aligned with what would have been provided/demonstrated in the originally planned training workshops. ACTION: @sarahcleary to work with @Keith-Pembleton and @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel to provide an alternative program. This may include polling current registrants for their input/requirements.


No discussion required on GitHub 'questions'

7 RP Roles and Responsibilities

Minor updates made by @sarahcleary but not shared due to not being able to finalise IP section

%FTE for discussion with the AI SC.

ACTION: @sarahcleary to update "Reference Panel Guiding Principles" and share with @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel

8 Invited Speakers

10:30 - Mark Silburn from DNRM presented on the P2R modeling program (APSIM is one of many models used).

Attach powerpoint

9 Other Business

Reminder of upcoming AI SC meeting. Meeting invitation to be sent.

Discussion on APSIM IP -

Discussion on APSIM IP powerpoint sent via email @hol353 presented a flow diagram of how the development process occurs Discussion on control vs ownership and the difficulty of controlling what we don't own/see. Current arrangement is a useful default as it provides the most legal certainty. If the AI ever requires to exercise ownership, it can. @sarahcleary to update powerpoint and circulate.

--AI RP Chair for 2021 - @jbrider accepted nomination and AI RP unanimously agreed.

10 Next Meeting

1 December 2020 - 9:30am