APSIMInitiative / ReferencePanel

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AI Reference Panel Meeting No. 1 #81

Open sarahcleary opened 3 years ago

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

The first AI RP meeting is planned for 17/2. If you have agenda items for this meeting, can you please add them (as you think of them) to this issue? thanks.

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago
Keith-Pembleton commented 3 years ago

Drafting a paper on the best management/governance of a model? Promotion and training for next gen?

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

@APSIMInitiative/reference-panel - any further ideas, agenda items?

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago


sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Development plan

uqghamme commented 3 years ago

How do we optimise engagement/collaboration/communication on design of new elements BEFORE they are implemented

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

@hut104 - any suggestions for agenda items for the upcoming AI RP meeting (17/2)?

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Any further input? any other topics for discussion?

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago


sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Please find attached a draft agenda for your input.

As you are aware, this is our first RP meeting with a longer format, replacing the monthly 2 hour meetings. If there are any additional topics you wish discussed, please let me know. Please ensure you have reviewed GitHub recently and provide any feedback on relevant issues.

Time Topic Lead
8:50 Welcome Jason Brider @jbrider
9:00 How do we optimise engagement/collaboration/communication on design of new elements BEFORE they are implemented:
  • reinvigorate science-software nexus
  • work better across organisations
  • involve interested parties at design phase
  • have SC fund specific design workshops where needed?
Graeme Hammer @uqghamme
10:00 Development Plan
  • Update on recent sprints – Autodoc/Stock
  • what's new? aspirational? new developments?
  • what sprints are required?
  • topics?
  • who should be involved?
  • how to get engagement with the right people
Jason Brider @jbrider
10:30 Drafting a paper on the best management/governance of a model Keith Pembleton @Keith-Pembleton
11:00 Training
  • Update on training sub-committee
  • Promotion and training for next gen
Training ‘sub-committee’ @kchenu @Keith-Pembleton @JulianneLilley @sno036 @peter-devoil
11:30 Discussion on APSIM Special Section / Book Karine Chenu @kchenu
12:00 Close

We had booked from 8-2, but I don’t think we need all of that time – but can call for additional topics. As discussed, this meeting is to bring together people beyond the @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel, so please invite others you feel can contribute to these discussions.

I note there are a few workshops which have been discussed but never actioned. There is the possibility of utilising the 12-2pm window for such a discussion. If anyone would like to lead one of these, please let me know.

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

@erik-van-oosterom; @uqschap7

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

2021-02 Minutes

Members: Video/Teleconference:

@yashvirchauhan; @MarkLieffering; @LouisAK; @peter-devoil; @sarahcleary; @Keith-Pembleton; @kchenu; @jbrider; @sno036; @HamishBrownPFR; @JulianneLilley; @kchenu; @sarchontoulis; @hol353 @erik-van-oosterom; @hut104; @uqschap7; @uqghamme;

Apologies: @EnliWang

Wednesday 17th February 2021 - 8:50 am AEST

Agenda Item


Welcome from @jbrider to first meeting of the year. Noting this is the first meeting with the new longer format

How do we optimise engagement/collaboration/communication on design of new elements BEFORE they are implemented:

@uqghamme worked through the attached presentation RP meeting discussion Feb21.pptx

Split into 4 breakout rooms for 15 minutes and asked to consider the following questions

  1. Do we need to enhance communication on science-software issues related to APSIM development across interested parties? (i.e. beyond RP, organisational groups, and github) If so, how?
  2. Is it desirable to have involvement of interested parties in design of new module/process algorithms before they are implemented? If so, how?

Key points from Group 1:

Key points from Group 2:

Key points from Group 3:

Key points from Group 4:

Group Discussion

Further discussion on "chief scientist concept"

Further discussion on GitHub

ACTION: Develop a step by step document and related training video on how to use GitHub for AI purposes.

Noted that GitHub has its use - but does not replace the whiteboard discussions.

Development Plan

Update on recent sprints – Autodoc/Stock

Update on Sprints

Role of Sprints – work well; but need to ensure people are aware these are happening in case they wish to be involved or wish to be involved in pre-planning.

Reviewed the dev plan

Improved Soil Water balance – it's an educational exercise at present, but might require further discussion/input if promising

@jbrider to add issues to the Dev plan - follow up @sme016 re:eucalyptus development and hourly temp data development

Drafting a paper on the best management/governance of a model

Looking outside how other models do it? Is what we doing best practice?? Benefit as part of a paper? Increase prestige of APSIM, beyond cropping/farming systems Broaden to open source projects in general – not just modelling Look at how does “R” work?
Scan the journal papers

@Keith-Pembleton to lead @sno036 to provide initial comment

Review to see if publishable. Review other models, and/or other platforms Value for the AI as well – guide how we improve our processes. Potential to conduct a workshop at ModSIM conference on Agri sytems processes as part of the


@Keith-Pembleton summarised the sub-committee meeting AI wants to push people along the pipeline – so can contribute to APSIM Training plan for 2021 seeks to do this.

Open call for additional videos. Welcome videos which demonstrate applications of research (such as UQ crop physiology lectures) Simulations will be developed

Discussion on academic working group

Noted that there would be synergies between academic teams. Discussed potential of a Community of practice for the education setting Offer AI support if requested.

Discussion on APSIM Special Section / Book

Karine led discussion on reviewing options around special section / book

Difficulties include:

• Cost money • No. of Quality papers • Open invite - too many invitations; poor quality?

Possible - choose theme and by invitation only Possible - In silico - should be indexed next year

• Need 3 guest editors for a special edition • Possible to 'match' researchers for a review paper

To propose a special edition, require the following

@kchenu to contact Matt Harrison as potential lead Guest editior. If positive, ask Matt to contact David etc..

If theme is right – Val happy to do a pre assessment for Agricultural Systems .

Strategy Meeting

Include response to Graeme’s challenges as agenda item.

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

@Keith-Pembleton - any update on "Drafting a paper on the best management/governance of a model"? Shall I open a separate issue on this?
Include as an agenda item for the next meeting?