APSIMInitiative / ReferencePanel

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AI Reference Panel Meeting No. 2 #86

Open sarahcleary opened 3 years ago

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

The second AI RP meeting is planned for 29/6. If you have agenda items for this meeting, can you please add them (as you think of them) to this issue? thanks. @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Agenda Item - Online Seminar Series

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Agenda Item - update from @kchenu on APSIM special issue

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Agenda Item - update on Workshops/Sprints

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago
sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Review and discussion on how online GitHub 'weekly' review process is going by @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago
sarahcleary commented 3 years ago
sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Agenda Items:

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

Please find attached a draft agenda for your input.

Time Topic Lead
8:50 Welcome Jason Brider @jbrider

New RP Processes

Jason Brider @jbrider
10:00 Online Seminar Series
  • Review of current list videos
  • Review of interest via GitHub, Distribution List, Website, RG etc..
  • Options for other engagements (newsletter)
  • Other topics for videos
    1. "Some best practice videos"
    2. Best practice to simulate nitrous oxide emissions in APSIM 7.10
    3. How to set up waterlogging in a soil using APSIM 7.10
Jason Brider @jbrider
10:30 Development Plan @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel
11:30 Booth at ASA2021
  • Requirements
  • Promotion
Sarah Cleary @sarahcleary
11:45 Update on APSIM special issue Karine Chenu @kchenu
12:00 Close

Please let me know if you wish to invite others that can contribute to these discussions.

Please ensure you have reviewed GitHub recently and provide any feedback on relevant issues.

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago

2021-06 Minutes

Members: Video/Teleconference:

@yashvirchauhan; @MarkLieffering; @LouisAK; @peter-devoil; @sarahcleary; @Keith-Pembleton; @kchenu; @jbrider; @EnliWang @JulianneLilley; @kchenu; @hol353, @uqschap7; @erik-van-oosterom

Tuesday 29th June 17th February 2021 - 8:50 am AEST

Agenda Item


Welcome from @jbrider to the second "longer format" meeting of the year.

New RP Processes

Online Review process

Improved systems for sensibility tests for all crop models

Points raised in the Review of the chickpea Model - https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ReferencePanel/issues/88

ACTION: Provide feedback to @hut104 and @AllanPeake that Chickpea requires a simulation with stock. Note there is an existing stock model example which can be utilised with chickpea - Swap out Platain for Chickpea

Review and discussion on how online GitHub 'weekly' review process is going by @APSIMInitiative/reference-panel

Autodoc failures

@jbrider likes the idea of an interactive autodoc on a webpage. Benefits of the information sitting in a tree structure rather in a standard document structure. Would make it easier to find the information one is looking for. Agreed to was a good idea and would solve the issue around slow autodoc generation, but note it's another task to be prioritised. @Keith-Pembleton noted for transparency, autodocs from previous versions should be accessible. It was noted they are available, but not 'visible'. Also noted, that all versions of source code are available which can be used to generate the PDFs - if you know how.

Agreed to be downloadable from the interface noting this takes more virtual space.

Add to a priority list for potential funding from the AI. - https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ReferencePanel/issues/62

ACTION: Commence a priority list for potential funding opportunities. This will allow people to add to, when ideas rise. Add the two issues raised above.

APSoil Update

@hol353 provided a brief update on the arrangements between CSIRO and AI. It has raised the question, what actually is APSoil. Metaphor of BookCase (platform) and Books (Data) CSIRO to be contributing the IP of the software/infrastructure not of the entire APSoil Data sets. APSoil Data sets are owned by various parties, not just by CSIRO

Noted the updated website https://www.apsim.info/improvements/what-is-an-apsim-improvement/data/ https://www.apsim.info/improvements/what-is-an-apsim-improvement/source-code/

Need to clarify what can be accessed commercially, under the commercial click-wrap licence.

Discussion around the AI managing the IP.

Draft FAIR Principles for Research Software

@hol353 - provided some background. Provided as a FYI

Root Model

Update for next meeting for @sarchontoulis to provided

Online Seminar Series

@sarahcleary provided an update on the Series.
Sending approx 2500 emails Increase in GitHub membership but limited interaction on the Github Seminar specific issues Note that additional information is being pushed out in the emails.

@sno036 asked to look at view counts. To be completed as part of the AI SC communication document/report. @sno036 asked to look at unique views/completed views etc..

Agreed to continue with the Online Seminar Series in the current form.

Best practice to simulate nitrous oxide emissions in APSIM 7.10 - no name for this. @sno036 noted that this did not pass review so should not be promoting this. Discussion around a video noting the issues with this approach.

How to set up waterlogging in a soil using APSIM 7.10 = @sarchontoulis

@yashvirchauhan raised the issue on optimisation of new cultivars. Look at this as part of best practice once the current vidoes are completed.

ACTION: update the comments on YouTube videos directing to GitHub issues

Booth at ASA2021

Advising people of the Booth. If attending, let @sarahcleary know. Will require some material, such as posters etc...

Update on APSIM special issue

@kchenu provided an update on the APSIM Virtual Issue. Will be on Agronomy for Sustainable Development wesbite shortly. Once this has happened, will push the information out through emails, APSIM website etc.. Any paper accepted, will be published straight away.

ACTION: @sarahcleary to contact ISU/PFR to ensure they have access to this meeting for their review/input