APSIMInitiative / ReferencePanel

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Online Seminar Series #87

Open sarahcleary opened 3 years ago

sarahcleary commented 3 years ago


As you are aware, this is the anticipated seminars for 2021:

Presenter Title
Peter deVoil Crop Rotations (APSIM 7.10)
Dean Holzworth APSIM Next Generation – update on new developments
Jeremy Whish Setting up Weather Files
Graeme Hammer APSIM development and the nature of crop models (and modellers) needed for applications
Enli Wang Soil carbon (and N) modelling
Val Snow Livestock Modelling
Adam Liedloff Overview of CLEM
Neville Hermann Setting up Weather Files
Neil Huth Model Parameter sensitivity
Hamish Brown Crop production
Jonathan Ojeda Variance decomposition
Peter deVoil How to write manager scripts

I've been receiving emails with suggestions and/or requests. This issue has been provided to enable review by the RP and allow others to add directly,

I note that @m8harrison has provided a video on Solving errors and finding bugs in APSIM Next Gen which I will share after pushing out the APSIM Next Gen update by @hol353.

@yashvirchauhan has suggested a seminar on optimisation procedure for cultivar parameters. There are a number of experts who could cover this including @hol353, @uqghamme and/or @peter-devoil. This would address the long standing need to parameterise new cultivars of different crops in the APSIM.

Other suggestions have included:

  1. Best practice to simulate nitrous oxide emissions in APSIM 7.10
  2. How to set up waterlogging in a soil using APSIM 7.10 - @sarchontoulis has agreed to record this seminar.

It has been suggested @PeterThorburn for the Best practice video.

Please add any comments, thoughts below.