APSL / react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view

A ScrollView component that handles keyboard appearance and automatically scrolls to focused TextInput.
MIT License
5.24k stars 643 forks source link

library will crash on react native 0.65.0 #494

Closed hisothreed closed 2 years ago

hisothreed commented 3 years ago

since this 099f67cf8a has been added to react native 0.65.0, the library will crash when trying to call scrollResponderScrollTo or scrollResponderScrollToEnd, I've solved it by changing these functions to scrollTo and scrollToEnd, please solve this ASAP because many users will be affected by that change in the upcoming version of react native.

alvaromb commented 3 years ago

Mind to send a PR?

thomasdittmar commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that this library breaks with this setup:

"react": "17.0.2",
"react-native": "0.65.0-rc.3",
"react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "^0.9.4",

Screenshot of error:

Unfortunately I can't rectify it because I'm not calling any the functions mentioned in the previous post.

Just by using it like that will trow an error:

return (
    ... other components

The only way to overcome this problem is to add an additional check on the function scrollResponderScrollTo like that

node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js (line 276)

scrollToPosition = (x: number, y: number, animated: boolean = true) => {
  const responder = this.getScrollResponder()
  responder && responder.scrollResponderScrollTo && responder.scrollResponderScrollTo({ x, y, animated })

Here the beautified output of the responder object

    "_additionalScrollOffset": 0,
    "_animated": null,
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    "_handleContentOnLayout": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleLayout": [Function anonymous],
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    "_handleMomentumScrollEnd": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleResponderGrant": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleResponderReject": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleResponderRelease": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleResponderTerminationRequest": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleScroll": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleScrollBeginDrag": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleScrollEndDrag": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleScrollShouldSetResponder": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleStartShouldSetResponder": [Function anonymous],
    "_handleStartShouldSetResponderCapture": [Function anonymous],
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    "_handleTouchStart": [Function anonymous],
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            "tag": 5,
            "treeBaseDuration": 0.007276296615600586,
            "type": "RCTText",
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        "key": null,
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            "_debugNeedsRemount": false,
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            "child": [FiberNode],
            "childLanes": 0,
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            "key": null,
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            "memoizedProps": [Object],
            "memoizedState": null,
            "mode": 8,
            "nextEffect": null,
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            "ref": null,
            "return": [FiberNode],
            "selfBaseDuration": 0.007055044174194336,
            "sibling": null,
            "stateNode": [ReactNativeFiberHostComponent],
            "tag": 5,
            "treeBaseDuration": 0.07729911804199219,
            "type": "RCTView",
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        "memoizedProps": {
            "automaticallyAdjustContentInsets": false,
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            "enableAutomaticScroll": true,
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            "enableResetScrollToCoords": true,
            "extraHeight": 75,
            "extraScrollHeight": 0,
            "getScrollResponder": [Function anonymous],
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            "keyboardDismissMode": "interactive",
            "keyboardOpeningTime": 250,
            "keyboardSpace": 0,
            "onScroll": [Function anonymous],
            "resetKeyboardSpace": [Function anonymous],
            "scrollEventThrottle": 1,
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            "style": [Array],
            "update": [Function anonymous],
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            "enableResetScrollToCoords": true,
            "extraHeight": 75,
            "extraScrollHeight": 0,
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            "keyboardOpeningTime": 250,
            "keyboardSpace": 0,
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            "resetKeyboardSpace": [Function anonymous],
            "scrollEventThrottle": 1,
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            "scrollToPosition": [Function anonymous],
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            "showsVerticalScrollIndicator": true,
            "style": [Array],
            "update": [Function anonymous],
            "viewIsInsideTabBar": false
        "ref": null,
        "return": {
            "_debugHookTypes": null,
            "_debugID": 25921,
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            "_debugOwner": [FiberNode],
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            "actualDuration": 1.9426326751708984,
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            "dependencies": null,
            "elementType": [Object],
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            "memoizedState": null,
            "mode": 8,
            "nextEffect": null,
            "pendingProps": [Object],
            "ref": [Function anonymous],
            "return": [FiberNode],
            "selfBaseDuration": 0.02221393585205078,
            "sibling": null,
            "stateNode": null,
            "tag": 11,
            "treeBaseDuration": 9.785065650939941,
            "type": [Object],
            "updateQueue": null
        "selfBaseDuration": 0.07973480224609375,
        "sibling": null,
        "stateNode": [Circular],
        "tag": 1,
        "treeBaseDuration": 9.76285171508789,
        "type": [Function ScrollView],
        "updateQueue": {
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            "firstBaseUpdate": null,
            "lastBaseUpdate": null,
            "shared": [Object]
    "_scrollAnimatedValue": 0,
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    "_setInnerViewRef": [Function forwardRef],
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    "_subscriptionKeyboardDidShow": {
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    "_subscriptionKeyboardWillShow": {
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    "context": {},
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    "props": {
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        "keyboardOpeningTime": 250,
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        "showsVerticalScrollIndicator": true,
        "style": [
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    "refs": {},
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    "scrollResponderKeyboardDidShow": [Function anonymous],
    "scrollResponderKeyboardWillHide": [Function anonymous],
    "scrollResponderKeyboardWillShow": [Function anonymous],
    "scrollResponderScrollNativeHandleToKeyboard": [Function anonymous],
    "scrollResponderZoomTo": [Function anonymous],
    "scrollTo": [Function anonymous],
    "scrollToEnd": [Function anonymous],
    "state": {
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    "updater": {
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        "enqueueReplaceState": [Function enqueueReplaceState],
        "enqueueSetState": [Function enqueueSetState],
        "isMounted": [Function isMounted]
h0nor commented 2 years ago

since this 099f67cf8a has been added to react native 0.65.0, the library will crash when trying to call scrollResponderScrollTo or scrollResponderScrollToEnd, I've solved it by changing these functions to scrollTo and scrollToEnd, please solve this ASAP because many users will be affected by that change in the upcoming version of react native.

@husseinAbdulnabi where did you make these changes exactly? KeyboardAwareHOC.js?

Like below?

scrollToPosition = (x: number, y: number, animated: boolean = true) => { const responder = this.getScrollResponder() responder && responder.scrollTo({ x, y, animated }) }

scrollToEnd = (animated?: boolean = true) => { const responder = this.getScrollResponder() responder && responder.scrollToEnd({ animated }) }

hisothreed commented 2 years ago

@h0nor check this https://github.com/husseinAbdulnabi/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/commit/e66c4a62fde8295ab511d086d0d59ef3247a5225

h0nor commented 2 years ago

Yeah, these changes seem to work. To solve the problem in my previous attempt, I changed scrollReponderScrollTo method with scrollToPositon method, and that change produced the same "is not a function" error (scrollToPosition is not a function). But changing scrollReponderScrollTo to scrollTo did not create any exceptions. Do you know why? @husseinAbdulnabi

h0nor commented 2 years ago

@thomasdittmar do you think the package will keep working as expected with your change below?

scrollToPosition = (x: number, y: number, animated: boolean = true) => { const responder = this.getScrollResponder() responder && responder.scrollResponderScrollTo && responder.scrollResponderScrollTo({ x, y, animated }) }

I feel like you might avoid the exception but the component may not work as expected. Maybe changing the method names will keep the component working as expected? like @husseinAbdulnabi proposed...

thomasdittmar commented 2 years ago

@h0nor Yes it will.

I have temporarily copied all the files into my project folder, with this change and including the index.js from where I now import the lib, and it works.

Keeping in mind I don't invoke any of the scrollTo* functions as I don't need them.

Would love to contribute but I'm super busy with other projects unfortunately.

mhammerc commented 2 years ago

If anyone need it while waiting for an official release, here is the patch from husseinAbdulnabi@e66c4a6 that can be used with patch-package (https://www.npmjs.com/package/patch-package).

filename react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view+0.9.4.patch

From e66c4a62fde8295ab511d086d0d59ef3247a5225 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hussein abdulnabi <husseinabdulnabi@husseins-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2021 19:20:15 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] fixes scroll responder on rn 0.65.0

 lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js b/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js
index 3d94b82..bb273ee 100644
--- a/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js
+++ b/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js
@@ -273,12 +273,12 @@ function KeyboardAwareHOC(

     scrollToPosition = (x: number, y: number, animated: boolean = true) => {
       const responder = this.getScrollResponder()
-      responder && responder.scrollResponderScrollTo({ x, y, animated })
+      responder && responder.scrollTo({ x, y, animated })

     scrollToEnd = (animated?: boolean = true) => {
       const responder = this.getScrollResponder()
-      responder && responder.scrollResponderScrollToEnd({ animated })
+      responder && responder.scrollToEnd({ animated })

     scrollForExtraHeightOnAndroid = (extraHeight: number) => {

This fix seem to work on my app.

jacargentina commented 2 years ago

@alvaromb can you look at this please?

julianklumpers commented 2 years ago

I can confirm we have the same issue when we upgrade to react-native version 0.65.1 It happens when the keyboard is dismissed.


srmagura commented 2 years ago

If you use NativeBase v2, you also need to patch this in @codler/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view.

jacargentina commented 2 years ago

@srmagura nativebase v2 only; v3 dropped that dependecy

xzilja commented 2 years ago

Just came across this as well, do you guys know when the fix will b available on npm?

dishantwalia commented 2 years ago

If anyone need it while waiting for an official release, here is the patch from husseinAbdulnabi/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view@e66c4a6 that can be used with patch-package (https://www.npmjs.com/package/patch-package).

filename react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view+0.9.4.patch

From e66c4a62fde8295ab511d086d0d59ef3247a5225 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hussein abdulnabi <husseinabdulnabi@husseins-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2021 19:20:15 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] fixes scroll responder on rn 0.65.0

 lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js b/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js
index 3d94b82..bb273ee 100644
--- a/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js
+++ b/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view/lib/KeyboardAwareHOC.js
@@ -273,12 +273,12 @@ function KeyboardAwareHOC(

     scrollToPosition = (x: number, y: number, animated: boolean = true) => {
       const responder = this.getScrollResponder()
-      responder && responder.scrollResponderScrollTo({ x, y, animated })
+      responder && responder.scrollTo({ x, y, animated })

     scrollToEnd = (animated?: boolean = true) => {
       const responder = this.getScrollResponder()
-      responder && responder.scrollResponderScrollToEnd({ animated })
+      responder && responder.scrollToEnd({ animated })

     scrollForExtraHeightOnAndroid = (extraHeight: number) => {

This fix seem to work on my app.

+1 Working fine

codler commented 2 years ago

I have forked the repo to fix this issue.

npm i @codler/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
oliverdolgener commented 2 years ago


dongdyang commented 2 years ago

try this one "react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "github:APSL/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view#pull/501/head",

karladler commented 2 years ago

when will the fix be released?

KashyapKarkar commented 2 years ago

@karladler the question here should be will it ever be released !

RN 0.66 is out supporting iOS 15

and we still waiting on a fix ;)

lfoliveir4 commented 2 years ago

I'm using this library and updated my React Native to 0.66.1 and the error still persists! Any suggestions for a solution?

KashyapKarkar commented 2 years ago

change this in your package.json "react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "github:APSL/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view#pull/501/head",

npm install in project directory and run project

vinayr commented 2 years ago

for yarn

yarn add APSL/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view#501/head