APSL / react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view

A ScrollView component that handles keyboard appearance and automatically scrolls to focused TextInput.
MIT License
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ref methods don't work as documented #516

Open jvgeee opened 2 years ago

jvgeee commented 2 years ago

I have this RN Keyboard Aware Scroll View component wrapping a lot of my screens as a HOC, and I wanted to pass down its ref because when my users type in a TextInput, the scrollview doesn't scroll down as they add line breaks and the input gets taller (it hides behind the keyboard).

However, I couldn't get any of the ref methods to work as documented in the readme.

For me, the only way to work with the ref was to pass it down to my component, e.g.

      // Other props
      innerRef={(ref) => {
        scrollViewRef.current = ref

Then, in my child components, i used scrollViewRef.current.scrollTo({ x, y, animated }), eg:

  const inputRef = useRef(null)

  const calcLayout = () => {
    inputRef?.current?.measure((x, y, width, height, px, py) => {
        // Small hack for me, in case the top of the item goes off screen and py becomes negative
        const scrollPos = px > 0 ? py + height : height + 50
        scrollViewRef?.current?.scrollTo({ y: scrollPos, animated: true })

  return  <TextInput

Trying to use scrollToEnd, scrollToPosition, scrollIntoView did not work, got typeerrors. Highly suggest updating the readme to match the current methods, but putting this here in case anyone is as stuck as I was and needs it!

vlxdisluv commented 2 years ago

anyone solved?

daavidkllr commented 2 years ago

I could experience the same problem, any chance to get this fixed? Or is this project not maintained anymore?

felixliu226 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm facing the same issue. I just tried to use scrollToPosition instead of scrollTo and it works on my side.