Open OuterAlt opened 7 years ago
You should use Entity Source and take advantage of QueryBuilder
by annotating entity fields.
We added this DoctrineExtension
group_concat: DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\GroupConcat
and annotated fields as follows
This should work.
Hello @DonCallisto ,
Thanks for replying ! I'll try your solution when i got some time and tell you if it'll work or not.
Best regards, Thomas
Good luck Thomas! 😄
@OuterAlt is this resolved?
Hello everyone,
I have a relation between two entities, with the following files (I'm working with Symfony 3.1) : ---- Projects.php `/**
---- AnrPieces.php ` /**
This works well. Basically in the Controller, if i would like to get all "AnrPieces" for a given project, i would do the following :
and the result will be an ArrayCollection, containing all my "AnrPieces" for my project.I'm trying to do the same with the bundle, but i can't manage to get the datas. I've looked in the doc though, without finding what i was looking for.
Does someone managed to handle it ? Or is there a way to do it ?
Best regards, Thomas