:page_with_curl: Provides a log viewer for Laravel
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Target [Arcanedev\LogViewer\Contracts\LogViewer] is not instantiable while building [Arcanedev\LogViewer\Http\Controllers\LogViewerController]. #323

Closed JunaidKhan046 closed 4 years ago

JunaidKhan046 commented 4 years ago


this log viewer is working perfectly on local-host server then i deployed the shared linux hosting the code shown this error "Target [Arcanedev\LogViewer\Contracts\LogViewer] is not instantiable while building [Arcanedev\LogViewer\Http\Controllers\LogViewerController]. "

i can't understand this error why produce on my live server.

Kindly help me Thanks.

arcanedev-maroc commented 4 years ago

Try to remove the cached files in the bootstrap/cache

JunaidKhan046 commented 4 years ago

I am update my bootstrap cache file manually to local server to live file then update code. My code is working fine Thanks for guide me

abdosaeedelhassan commented 2 years ago

@arcanedev-maroc thank you for you package i have the same problem Target [Arcanedev\LogViewer\Contracts\LogViewer] is not instantiable while building [Arcanedev\LogViewer\Commands\PublishCommand]. that shown in terminal only when install this package as a submodule inside project, but when i installed as default it work fine, i want to implemented as submodule because i want make some contribution. Thank you