:mag: SEO Helper is a package that provides tools and helpers for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
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How to add OpenGraph & TwitterCards #45

Closed StanBarrows closed 6 years ago

StanBarrows commented 6 years ago

How to Add Open Graph and Twitter on Laravel?:

Heyho! First of all thanks for providing such an awesome package!

So far, I just was using the normal SEO-Types inside my Laravel App. But i'm not able to add Graph or Cards to it. What I'm missing out?

     ->setImage($page.  'seo.png');

Where I need to pass the Graph or Card Object to the view? If i just using this code I cant see the values inside my Laravel app.

$openGraph = new Graph;

$openGraph->setTitle('Your awesome title');
$openGraph->setDescription('Your awesome description');
$openGraph->setSiteName('Your site name');

I tried to pass it into the setOpenGraph or setSeoTwitter Method, but thats somehow not working.

     ->setImage($page.  'seo.png')

Thanks for an help, Stan

arcanedev-maroc commented 6 years ago

Did you tried something like this ?


$this->seo()->twitter(); // Call the twitter card methods

     ->setTitle('Your awesome title')
     ->setDescription('Your awesome description')
     ->setSiteName('Your site name')