ARCCSS-extremes / climpact

Calculate the ET-SCI climate extremes indices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Temperature in-base quantiles must contain 10th and 90th percentiles. who can help me out, please #94

Closed JinZarrin closed 1 year ago

JinZarrin commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I use the Tasmin data ( and the prepared threshold ( to run the indices.r to calculate the extreme temperature indices, base.range is 1981-2010, but when I run it, the errors shows like the following picture, can you please kindly tell me how to solve it image

heroldn commented 2 years ago

Off the top of my head this may have to do with an issue where climpact expects all 3 variables for thresholds. Are there only tasmin thresholds in your thresholds file? I'm not 100% sure about this, but the quickest way to check is to do this process with all 3 variables (and if you only have tasmin then just create a tasmax and prec variable copying the tasmin data - so dummy variables - and then ignore any tasmax/prec outputs). It's not elegant but it may be the cause of this message.

JinZarrin commented 2 years ago

Hi heroldn, Thanks for your kind reply. In fact, I use tasmax tasmin and pr, these three variables. When I worked on the ssp scenarios, base range is 1981-2010, it works. However, when I do calculations on historical scenario, from 1951-2014, it shows the above error, my base range is also 1981-2010. I found another people who come accords the same problem as me. He solved the problem as follow picture, but indeed my base range is 1981-2010, I can’t change it. So it may a bug of this package or I may took something wrong? Can you kindly help me out? 6776EEEF-04AC-4A33-BAF0-91FBCE454DF5

heroldn commented 2 years ago

If your base period is 1981-2010 and your calculating indices on 1951-2014 then just remove the threshold file from your wrapper script (i.e. don't specify it). That does confuse climpact. The in-base-period thresholds will be calculated at runtime so you don't need to specify a thresholds file.

JinZarrin commented 2 years ago

If your base period is 1981-2010 and your calculating indices on 1951-2014 then just remove the threshold file from your wrapper script (i.e. don't specify it). That does confuse climpact. The in-base-period thresholds will be calculated at runtime so you don't need to specify a thresholds file.

Dear Heroldn, thanks a lot for your kind help, now it works.