ARCCSS-extremes / climpact2

Combining climdex.pcic and climpact @ UNSW
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Non-standard timestamping #2

Closed tammasloughran closed 9 years ago

tammasloughran commented 9 years ago

The git clone command wouldn't work for me. Instead, I used: git clone

I have run the test script Nick provided and it works with the narclim data. Values look reasonable for TXX.

I tried to use some AWAP data with the following testing template.

# Testing template for climpact.loader

minfilename = "/srv/ccrc/data35/z5032520/AWAP/daily/tmin/"
maxfilename = "/srv/ccrc/data35/z5032520/AWAP/daily/tmax/"
#precfilename = "/srv/ccrc/data43/z3506872/datasets/sample_narclim/"


I get an error:

z5032520@cyclone:~/climpact2$ Rscript test.climpact2.r 
Loading required package: PCICt
Loading required package: methods
Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, format, ...) : 
  character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Calls: climpact.loader ... as.PCICt.default -> as.PCICt -> as.POSIXlt -> as.POSIXlt.character
Execution halted

It looks like the time formatting is incorrect in my file. They are dates as YYYYMMDD (eg. 20000101, 20000102, etc...) and not a 'days since...' format. So, my files have non-standard timestamps. Do you want to support timestamps?

heroldn commented 9 years ago

So I put in a somewhat adhoc fix that should allow you to have timestamps of any particular flavour. Or most any. I've uploaded a new climpact2_0.2.r file with it. To get the functionality to work you need to specify the "time_format" parameter when calling climpact.loader.

e.g. for your AWAP data it would be: time_format = "%Y%m%d" Other combinations can be chosen as per strptime

If you don't specify time_format you'll get the same error about ambiguity as before.