ARCH-commons / arch-ontology

ARCH i2b2 PCORnet Ontology
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Vital Status Breakdown Not Working #72

Open ConnieZ opened 6 years ago

ConnieZ commented 6 years ago

With the PCORI Ontology implementation of QT_BREAKDOWN_PATH pointing to PCORNET_VITAL ontology, querying for "Vital Status Breakdown" returns no breakdown (as seen in Heartbeat queries for our site). We believe that changes should be made in several places for this to work: i2b2demodata.QT_BREAKDOWN_PATH in default i2b2 looks like this: "PATIENT_VITALSTATUS_COUNT_XML";"\i2b2_DEMO\i2b2\Demographics\Vital Status\"

i2b2metadata.i2b2 for Vital Status has this: C_FULLNAME; C_NAME "\i2b2\Demographics\Vital Status\";"Vital Status" "\i2b2\Demographics\Vital Status\Deceased\";"Deceased" "\i2b2\Demographics\Vital Status\Deferred\";"Deferred" "\i2b2\Demographics\Vital Status\Living\";"Living" "\i2b2\Demographics\Vital Status\Not Recorded\";"Not recorded"

As a result the query count is returned and breakdown is shown (see sample): image

In PCORI Ontology, however, we don't have any rows for Vital Status (even though we populate vital_status_cd column for our site)

We would like to successfully pass the heartbeat query for Vital Status Breakdown. Could you please advise if this will be fixed for PCORI Ontology in future versions or if we should implement this at our site as a custom design in order to fix the issue.