ARISE-Initiative / robomimic

robomimic: A Modular Framework for Robot Learning from Demonstration
MIT License
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Questions about the evaluation #192

Closed gemcollector closed 1 week ago

gemcollector commented 2 weeks ago

Very nice work! I have a question about the data pre-processing for image input. I notice that during training, the data will be processed by:

      input_batch = model.process_batch_for_training(batch)
      input_batch = model.postprocess_batch_for_training(input_batch, obs_normalization_stats=obs_normalization_stats)

But during evaluation, as shown in the /docs/modules/,

obs = env.reset()

horizon = 400
total_return = 0
for step_i in range(horizon):
    # get action from policy (calls @get_action)
    act = policy(obs)
    # play action
    next_obs, r, done = env.step(act)
    total_return += r
    success = env.is_success()["task"]
    if done or success:

It seems that there is no data preprocessing for input. Shall we add the processing procedure by ourselves? Or Is this procedure included in the policy inference ? Thank you!

amandlek commented 1 week ago

Great question! The same operations will happen at eval-time, but in different locations.

Observation processing will happen in the environment (for example here) and observation normalization will occur as part of the RolloutPolicy object that wraps the model during inference (see here).