ARISE-Initiative / robosuite

robosuite: A Modular Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Robot Learning
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glfw window (mjcviewer) application not responding on macos #257

Closed shivanimall closed 2 years ago

shivanimall commented 2 years ago


I am on macos, I can successfully run robosuite, but unable to see mjcviewer.

referred to this to load on-screen:

# create an environment to visualize on-screen
env = robosuite.make(
    robots=["Sawyer", "Panda"],             # load a Sawyer robot and a Panda robot
    gripper_types="default",                # use default grippers per robot arm
    controller_configs=controller_config,   # each arm is controlled using OSC
    env_configuration="single-arm-opposed", # (two-arm envs only) arms face each other
    has_renderer=True,                      # on-screen rendering
    render_camera="frontview",              # visualize the "frontview" camera
    has_offscreen_renderer=False,           # no off-screen rendering
    control_freq=20,                        # 20 hz control for applied actions
    horizon=200,                            # each episode terminates after 200 steps
    use_object_obs=False,                   # no observations needed
    use_camera_obs=False,                   # no observations needed

To note, I have successfully opened igibson, mujoco and pybullet viewers. also, robosuite + pygame renderer worked.

Following is the output:

(robos) Nityas-Macbook-Pro:environments shivanimall$ python 
<module 'robosuite' from '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/robosuite-1.2.2-py3.9.egg/robosuite/'>
Creating window glfw
2021-10-04 13:17:00.074 Python[97928:52055070] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/fd/5jk_ll1j7gzbjtr57ltsdtww0000gn/T/org.python.python.savedState
Creating window glfw
(robos) Nityas-Macbook-Pro:environments shivanimall$ 

but robosuite + mjc_viewer does not -- window instance says application not responding on mac dock. Please let me know if you need further details, thanks for help!

yukezhu commented 2 years ago

Dear @shivanimall, it appears to me that this issue was not caused by robosuite, but some configurations of your system runtime. I can confirm that the mjc_viewer works fine on my macOS (I have Big Sur). I would suggest you search with the error message "ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched." and see if you can find any online solutions that resolve your problem.

shivanimall commented 2 years ago

thanks @yukezhu! want to confirm that mujoco viewer w/ robosuite is now working.