ARISE-Initiative / robosuite

robosuite: A Modular Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Robot Learning
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Issue with creating Baxter environment #405

Open pratik2394 opened 1 year ago

pratik2394 commented 1 year ago

I am following this page to create my own environment:

I am trying to create an environment with Baxter robot with two ‘RethinkGripper’s..

Below is the code I am trying to run:

from robosuite.models import MujocoWorldBase

world = MujocoWorldBase()

from robosuite.models.robots import Baxter

mujoco_robot = Baxter()

from robosuite.models.grippers import gripper_factory

gripper = gripper_factory('RethinkGripper') mujoco_robot.add_gripper(gripper)

mujoco_robot.set_base_xpos([0, 0, 0]) world.merge(mujoco_robot)

And it is throwing the following error:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in <cell line: 12>() 10 11 gripper = gripper_factory('RethinkGripper') ---> 12 mujoco_robot.add_gripper(gripper) 13 14 mujoco_robot.set_base_xpos([0, 0, 0])

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/robosuite/models/robots/manipulators/ in add_gripper(self, gripper, arm_name) 56 if arm_name is None: 57 arm_name = self.eef_name ---> 58 if arm_name in self.grippers: 59 raise ValueError("Attempts to add multiple grippers to one body") 60

TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

I tried multiple combinations… trying to provide dictionary with key words ‘right’, ‘left’, ‘right_hand’, ‘left_hand’ with values ‘RethinkGrippers’ but none of the combination seems to work. What am I missing?

abhihjoshi commented 1 year ago

Can you try "robot0_right_hand" or "robot0_left_hand". I think for Baxter, these are the strings that you need to pass for arm_name. Let me know if this works.

Nuofan-SUSTech commented 2 months ago

I tried "robot0_right_hand" or "robot0_left_hand", but another error comes out:

File "/.conda/envs/robosuite/lib/python3.9/site-packages/robosuite/models/grippers/", line 26, in gripper_factory
    assert name in GRIPPER_MAPPING, f"Unknown gripper name: {name}. Valid options are: {ALL_GRIPPERS}"
AssertionError: Unknown gripper name: robot0_right_hand. Valid options are: dict_keys(['RethinkGripper', 'PandaGripper', 'JacoThreeFingerGripper', 'JacoThreeFingerDexterousGripper', 'WipingGripper', 'Robotiq85Gripper', 'Robotiq140Gripper', 'RobotiqThreeFingerGripper', 'RobotiqThreeFingerDexterousGripper', None])
Nuofan-SUSTech commented 2 months ago

I tried to use:

mujoco_robot.add_gripper(gripper, "robot0_left_hand")

solved the problem. I think robot0_ is a prefix that add by robosuite, so it might depends on which robot id it is.