ARK-Builders / ARK-Navigator

Android app for navigation through your data
MIT License
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"As-is" sorting ignores scores #346

Open kirillt opened 1 year ago

kirillt commented 1 year ago

When "as-is" sorting is ON:

shakeebularsalan commented 8 months ago

@kirillt, Now it can’t be replicated. is blocker for it.

kirillt commented 8 months ago

@shakeebularsalan aggregated mode isn't needed to test this issue. Navigation to single folder must be enough.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the app, add a folder with at least 2 resources.
  2. Tap the compass icon next to the folder.
  3. Resource Grid loads, turn "Scores" in tag selector ON.
  4. Tap any resource.
  5. Gallery view loads, there must be score widget (star and up/down arrows).
  6. Change the score using the arrows, e.g. +5.
  7. Swipe the resource to the next one.
  8. Change the score to e.g. +3.
  9. Go back to Resource Grid.

Any sorting must respect scores when they are turned ON. If "descending" order is selected (arrow near the dice icon points down), the resource with +5 score must always be before the resource with +3 score. In "ascending" order it must be the other way around.

  1. Try different sorting criterias, especially "as-is".