ARK-Builders / ARK-Navigator

Android app for navigation through your data
MIT License
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Handling duplicates in Aggregated mode #349

Open kirillt opened 1 year ago

kirillt commented 1 year ago

In aggregated mode, the resources grid displays resources with the same content coming from different roots. Duplicates must be filtered out, one id — one item in the grid. Number of duplicates should be presented to the user though and all data related to duplicated resource should be written in all roots it comes from.

E.g. we have a resource 12-345345 stored in folders /home/user/A and /home/user/B. User puts tag test on it. The app must write this record both into /home/user/A/.ark/tags and /home/user/B/.ark/tags.

UI should present the information about duplicates in the details dialog.