ARM-DOE / pyart

The Python-ARM Radar Toolkit. A data model driven interactive toolkit for working with weather radar data.
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Issue with gate lat/lon calculation and radar location when reading Level 2 radar file #1272

Closed chudlerk closed 2 years ago

chudlerk commented 2 years ago


I am reading in the following radar file from the amazon sever:

When trying to plot the radar data on a map, I'm noticing some weird results for the latitude and longitude values returned with get_gate_lat_lon_alt:

radar ='KHNX20060724_020338.gz')
lat, lon, alt = radar.get_gate_lat_lon_alt(0)
print('Lon Range:',lon.max(), lon.max())
print('Lat Range:',lat.max(), lat.max())
Lon Range: 4.13013044962621 4.13013044962621
Lat Range: 4.130129685785962 4.130129685785962

After doing some digging, I think it has to do with the fact that the radar location, as stored in radar.longitude and radar.latitude after reading in the file are incorrect (data value is 0):

{'long_name': 'Longitude', 'standard_name': 'Longitude', 'units': 'degrees_east', 'data': array([0.])}

{'long_name': 'Latitude', 'standard_name': 'Latitude', 'units': 'degrees_north', 'data': array([0.])}

It could just be that the data is simply stored wrong in the original level 2 which case maybe there is nothing that can be done. However, other radar data plotters (i.e. ) seem to be able to read/plot the data just fine on a map, so there should be some way to do it...

mgrover1 commented 2 years ago

@chudlerk which version of Py-ART are you using?

I tried the following which appeared to work (with the latest version Py-ART 1.13.0):

radar ="KDAX20091014_091934_V03.gz")
print(radar.latitude['data'], radar.longitude['data'])
[38.50111008] [-121.67783356]

Or, reading directly from Amazon:

radar ="s3://noaa-nexrad-level2/2009/10/14/KDAX/KDAX20091014_091934_V03.gz")
print(radar.latitude['data'], radar.longitude['data'])
[38.50111008] [-121.67783356]
chudlerk commented 2 years ago

Whoops, I pasted the wrong URL in my question. I've updated it with one that doesn't work. I'm having trouble installing 1.13.0 with anaconda, but it doesn't work on 1.12.2

mgrover1 commented 2 years ago

What sort of conda installation issues are you running into?

mgrover1 commented 2 years ago

@chudlerk - the older NEXRAD data is missing the required metadata (message 31). See this discussion where we mention the ability to manually specify which station the radar data is from, which fixes this issue.

radar ="s3://noaa-nexrad-level2/2006/07/24/KHNX/KHNX20060724_020338.gz", station="KHNX")
print(radar.latitude['data'], radar.longitude['data'])