Added two methods to the map module:
grid_ppi_sweeps - grid single PPI sweeps into a Cartesian grid - considering horizontal distance in weighting and RoI calculations. This method also returns a mapped altitude estimation field based on the sweep mean elevation angles.
grid_rhi_sweeps - grid single RHI sweeps into a Cartesian grid - considering Y-Z distances in weighting and RoI calculations (azimuth of each sweep is ignored in gridding but reported as an output xarray.Dataset dim)
I also added tests for these two new methods and a method for generating a testing target RHI radar object.
Added two methods to the map module:
- grid single PPI sweeps into a Cartesian grid - considering horizontal distance in weighting and RoI calculations. This method also returns a mapped altitude estimation field based on the sweep mean elevation angles.grid_rhi_sweeps
- grid single RHI sweeps into a Cartesian grid - considering Y-Z distances in weighting and RoI calculations (azimuth of each sweep is ignored in gridding but reported as an output xarray.Dataset dim)I also added tests for these two new methods and a method for generating a testing target RHI radar object.