ARM-DOE / pyart

The Python-ARM Radar Toolkit. A data model driven interactive toolkit for working with weather radar data.
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inadequate RHOHV values in the radar file #1592

Closed MohitDahliya closed 5 months ago

MohitDahliya commented 5 months ago


I want to add the Hydrometeor Classification Field into my radar object and I have which does that by considering the Z, ZDR, RHOHV & KDP fileds. The problem is that the RHOHV filed in my radar file is incorrect. maybe when they made the file at the source, they made a mistake. Due to wrong RHOHV values, hydrometeor classification field is not coming out correct. How can I overcome this issue?

What I Did

Initialize lists to store heights and Z values for each profile

all_heights = [] all_HCA_values = [] all_times = [] # Added to store time information

Iterate over each file and apply the QVP code

for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, file)

# Read radar data
radar =

# Extract desired angle
desired_angle = radar.fixed_angle['data']

# Interpolate the sounding to the radar heights
radar_T, radar_z = interpolate_sounding_to_radar(sounding, radar)

wh0 = np.where(np.isclose(np.abs(sounding['temp']),0.0,atol=1.0))
expected_ML = np.array(sounding['height'])[wh0[0]][0]/1000.

rband = 'C'                
scan_type = radar.scan_type 
use_temp = True             
verbose = False             
minRH = 0.5                 

rheights = radar_z/1000.    

return_scores = False   

dz =
    radar.fields['Z']['data'] < 5,
    radar.fields['Z']['data'] > 65
dr =
    radar.fields['ZDR']['data'] < -4,
    radar.fields['ZDR']['data'] > 6
kd =['KDP']['data'])
rh =
mask=(radar.fields['RHOHV']['data'] > 0.8)

hcasummer = csu_fhc.csu_fhc_summer(dz=dz, zdr=dr, rho=rh, kdp=kd, use_temp=True,T=radar_T, band=rband,

radar = add_field_to_radar_object(hcasummer, radar,field_name='HCA',dz_field='Z')

# Create quasi-vertical profile
profile = pyart.retrieve.quasi_vertical_profile(radar, desired_angle=desired_angle, fields='HCA')


# Extract time information (assuming 'start_time' is present in radar.metadata)
time_info = radar.metadata.get('start_time', None)

if time_info is not None:
    # Convert the time to a datetime object if needed
    # Adjust the format to include milliseconds
    time_obj = pd.to_datetime(time_info, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

    # Append time, heights, and Z values to the lists

Convert the lists to numpy arrays for plotting

heights_array1 = np.vstack(all_heights) HCA_values_array = np.vstack(all_HCA_values)

Choose a specific height from heights_array

selected_heights1 = heights_array1[0,: ]

Convert the time list to a NumPy array and then to matplotlib date format

times_array = date2num(np.array(all_times))

mgrover1 commented 5 months ago

@MohitDahliya - without the data file mentioned here, I am not sure what we can do to help. You can use gatefilter to quality control your data, to see if that improves the analysis

But beyond that, we cannot make any specific recommendations