ARM-software / vscode-cmsis-csolution

Extension support for VS Code CMSIS Project Extension
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Need a proper getting started guide #48

Closed redbilledpanda closed 3 months ago

redbilledpanda commented 5 months ago

Hello folks

So I installed this Keil studio pack as was recommended. Now I naively thought that creating a "solution" via this extension will hopefully create a barebones skeleton for me, taking care of creating include paths and generating appropriate headers.

However none of that seems to have happened. What it did was create a bunch of yaml files that installed some packs that were apparently not present. yes it create a bunch of json files too under the .vscode folder, but those look like they will get populated at run time. Nevertheless, the include path under c_cpp_properties.json seems very generic.

So what is the purpose of specifying the hardware? Shouldn't this extension take care of including appropriate header files (and excluding others)? How am I supposed to use this extension?

Elise-Kaminski commented 5 months ago

Hello @redbilledpanda,

It looks like you tried to create a solution from scratch. Is that correct?

It might be easier to start from an example project as explained in this Getting started chapter. We used the FRDM-K32L3A6 board in the tutorial, but you can look for an example for your board on our website. For some boards, we only provide μVision examples in .uvprojx format at this stage. These can be converted as explained in Convert a Keil μVision project to a csolution project.

If you still want to create a project from scratch, that's ok. The steps to do that are described in Create a csolution project. Then, my advice would be to check the official Open-CMSIS-Pack documentation to find examples of csolution.yml, cproject.yml, and clayer.yml files and understand what CMSIS-Toolbox does for you behind the scenes. We are working on an MDK v6 Getting Started Guide (not released yet) in which we give an overview of CMSIS-Toolbox. Here's an overview diagram:


We hope this helps. Please let us know if you have further questions.

alexandra-hayes commented 3 months ago

Hi @redbilledpanda Further to Elise's previous reply, the Getting Started Guide she mentioned is now available: arm_keil_microcontroller_developmentkit(mdk)_getting_started_guide_109350_v6_01_en (2).pdf

Hope that helps - let us know if you need anything else.

Elise-Kaminski commented 3 months ago

arm_keil_microcontroller_developmentkit(mdk)_getting_started_guide_109350_v6_01_en (2).pdf

Hello @redbilledpanda, This is the link to the MDK v6 Getting Started Guide on Arm Developer:

Thank you.